Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry that combine three different lines and a noticeable grammatical break. Haiku usually includes nature and everyday things and situations so don't think too hard about what to use as a topic.
1. With Autumn for your haiku theme, write down some of the words that come to mind on that theme. 2 Organize your thoughts roughly onto three lines. First, set the scene, then expand on that by expressing a feeling, making an observation or recording an action. Keep it simple. 3 Polish your haiku into three lines, the first with five syllables, the second line with seven syllables and the third line with five syllables. It may take some time and substitution of words to make it fit.
Line 1: Descriptive statement that is 5 syllables. Line 2: Descriptive statement that is 7 syllables Line 3: A complete sentence that is 5 syllables
Express a single mood or emotion in your haiku. Think about a common experience or sight in a new and different way. Some writers incorporate a pause into the poem, indicated by the use of a colon, semicolon, or hyphen. This helps to focus attention on the insight your poem presents. The classic haiku theme is nature and many traditional Japanese haiku contain seasonal words and images like falling snow, twinkling fireflies, an emerging crocus or leaves blowing in the wind. Each word is special and precious! These are very short poems, so make every word count!