Creative Writing 1 and 2—March 31, 2016 Journal #4--If you invented a celebration dance, what would it be called? What would it look like? Extra Credit Opportunity—Bring in craft supplies (colorful paper, glitter, pipe cleaners, fuzzies, card stock, etc.) We need this stuff to work on our Creative Poetry Anthologies next week.
Poetry Anthology Guidelines Be creative! Any format is fine (as long as it has all of the required elements). Caution—the format should not overwhelm the poetry. Required Elements: – Must have an eye-catching cover with an original title and full name clearly visible – A dedication – A table of contents with titles or first lines and page numbers. – A separate page for each poem
Rubric Creative Poetry Anthology Poetry: This grade will be an average of all your poems; therefore, this part of the grade is already determined. /20 Design and layout: Effective relationship between text and art; freshness. /20 Risk and originality. /20 Neatness and accuracy: Tidy layout and correct grammar and spelling. /20 Front page: Cover design, title, full name (clearly visible), interest. /20
Other Ideas Train of poems Puzzle of poems Quilt with different squares of poems Planetary system of poems “Shards of Poetry” “Poetry in Motion” “The Jungle of Words” “Pulled Out of the Fire” “Poetry Out to Dry” “From the Heart to the Brain” “Thirteen Leaves from the Poetry Tree” “Pathway to the Soul” Warning: Your powers of invention should not interfere with the reader’s appreciation of your poems!
Today’s Assignment 1 st Finish Inanimate Object Poem 2 nd Rewrite Poems on ONE sheet of paper 3 rd Poems must be complete—does not mean it is a final draft 4 th —You must highlight poetic elements and make a key for me
Rubrics Person-As-Inanimate-Object Poem 1. Brainstorming /5 2. This poem is based on an extended metaphor. Within the extended metaphor, there is a series of short comparisons (metaphors, similes, personifications). Have you used some? /5 3. Strong sensory detail/images /5 4. Interesting structure, line length, verse form, or use of punctuation /5 Concrete Poem AND Form Poem 1. One page of dense brainstorming with lots of concrete detail /5 2. Original idea/structure/form /5 3. Editing/mechanics/accuracy /5 4. Use of poetic devices: figurative language—similes, metaphors, sensory details; sound devices (not end rhyme), alliteration, assonance, consonance, internal rhyme /5