Catherine Myers, PE University of Portland Shiley School of Engineering Portland Oregon Focus on Communication and Design Thinking for a Multi-Discipline Capstone
Status Reports Project Plan Check-in Retrospective
SHOULD Project Plan
Objective (What ) Achieve [winning aspiration] in [where to play] by [how to win] Adapted from Matthew May
PEOPLE (desirable) TECHNICAL (feasible) BUSINESS (viable)
SHOULD Project Plan
CAN Status Reports
Goal/DeliverableActivitiesResponsible Performer PTD Results (Dates) RatingComments/Concerns TargetActual LIDAR Hardware Mount CAD Model (version 1) Design CAD model for eventual manufacture Ben Stager10/11/201510/12/2015A-Good design within constraints, some improvement needed, as described below LIDAR Hardware Mount CAD Model (version 2) Design CAD model for eventual manufacture Ben Stager10/25/201510/26/2015A+One concern regarding large moment was brought up a bit late in design of version 1, which caused a new version of the model to be requested. The team likes version 2 much better. LIDAR Hardware Mount Manufacture Manufacrure CAD design using CNC (Aluminum) or 3D- printing (ABS) Ben Stager, Allen Hansen11/20/2015TBD Manufacture should be complete before target date: target is just a hard deadline. LIDAR Processing Computer Design computer system capable of processing live LIDAR data. Sully Cothran, Jaimiey Sears11/20/2015TBD Design has begun, but exact specifications can only be determined exactly once software solution is better defined. Current design uses Raspberry Pi as main data processing computer. LIDAR Data acquisition software Write software to gather data from LIDAR unit Sully Cothran, Jaimiey Sears10/30/2015TBDA-Code is not yet complete! Much progress has been made, however, and a usable version is not far off. LIDAR Data processing software Write software to analyze gathered data Lysa Pinto, Taylor Stadelli11/20/2015TBDASo far, so good. Thresholding is being utilized to provide information about obstacles on the field. Currently only analyzing existing data files.
WILL Check-in
Retrospective Reflection
Phase 0 Planning Phase 1 Concept Development Phase 2 System Level Phase 3 Detail Design Phase 4 Testing and Refinement Phase 5 Production Ramp Up Ulrich/Eppinger, Product Design and Development
Thank you!