2014 EC Winter Conference Accountability Presentation Regional Accountability Coordinators David Craig, Northwest Region Jeff Payne, Western Region
Agenda Medical Exceptions Accommodation Notification Form OCS Courses: Requirements for testing/EOCs ACCESS testing for ELL/EC students Elimination of Extend 2 Review of Accommodations Form Verifying Accommodations Basic review of roster verification Testing Accommodations Irregularities/Misadministrations
Testing Students with Disabilities Document Shipped annually to all schools and LEAs in the fall with updates Contains policy guidelines and procedures for testing students with disabilities in the NC testing program
Medical Exceptions What is it? – student cannot test due to a significant medical emergency/condition Examples Parent notified and gives consent for request Request submitted to NCDPI This process not used for CTE or NC Final Exams
Medical Exceptions NCDPI provides a written statement of decision to Superintendent/Charter School Director Students who are granted the exception shall not be reported or counted in school, district or state test scores
Accommodation Notification Forms What is it? – A process used to request accommodations other than those specifically described in the TSWD Examples: – Large Print, One Item Per Page Assessment – Assessment printed on blue paper Process: – LEA TC submits form at least 3 weeks before test administration or within 30 days of committee decision, whichever occurs first – NCDPI sends a written statement of the decision
OCS Courses OCS courses with course codes corresponding to Math I, English II or Biology must participate in EOC testing NCEXTEND2 EOC an option for eligible students NC Final Exams
ACCESS Testing for ELL Students Receive accommodations based only on the IEP or Section 504 plan Braille version not recommended Alternate Assessment for ACCESS if eligibility criteria are met
Elimination of NCEXTEND2 Memo went to Superintendents and Charter School Directors December 12, 2013 Because of pending USED regulations governing ESEA and ESEA Flexibility requirements, all NCEXTEND2 assessments will no longer be available effective with the 2014–15 school year. Impacts the creation, evaluation, and review of students’ IEP documentation extending into the 2014–15 school year.
Review of Accommodations Form Completed for anyone requiring testing accommodations for any state test Before testing, required accommodations documented on form by EC staff Test Administrator provides the following: – Which testing accommodations were provided to the student – If and how the student used the accommodations – Any comments/recommendations for the team/committee to discuss the following year regarding accommodation decisions Form placed in student IEP after testing for review
Verifying Accommodations NCDPI collects required testing accommodations data from each LEA approved accommodations management system (i.e. CECAS, 3 rd party applications) on the first Monday of each month LEAs who track accommodations in 3 rd party systems must submit a file monthly to the SSH via the LEA TC
Verifying Accommodations LEA TC prints out list of errors/warnings from Status Viewer and gives to EC Director EC Director corrects any errors/warnings in authoritative source Process repeats throughout the year to verify accommodations data is correct for testing
Roster Verification Review Fall Window Duration (weeks) Start End Principal/District Preview 1 January 20 January 26 Teacher Window 3 January 27 Feb 16 School Admin Verification 2 Feb 17 Mar 2 District Admin Window 2 Mar 3 Mar 16
Testing Accommodations Irregularities/Misadministrations Procedures to follow when a student declines the use of a testing accommodation- TSWD p C1.18 Procedures to follow when required testing accommodations have not been provided – E1.03 Procedures to follow when testing accommodations are provided that are not required – p E1.04
Testing Accommodations Irregularities/Misadministrations Examples