Review of the Units Please rank these units from FAVORITE =1 to LEAST FAVORITE = 6 Psychology Approaches and Careers (MCM) Biological Basis of Behavior Thinking and Learning Consciousness Life-Span Development Personality & Abnormal
Letter to your future self Date it Dear Future Self, – I love you because… – I am proud of you because… – I am sad because… – I forgive you for… – I hope that you… – I am thankful for… – I wish for… – I will show my love for you by… What fears are you currently facing that you hope to overcome? What faith or spiritual guidance can you count on to help you? What goals do you want to accomplish if fear wasn’t in the way? Why do these goals matter to you? How will you remember to count on yourself in the future? Writing goals to make sure you are ACCOUNTABLE!
Motivation in Nature -The Chinese Bamboo Tree- Creating intrinsic motivation with the help of an extrinsically motivated farmer.
How can you be intrinsically motivated by this message? Growth takes patience and perseverance. Every drop of water matters. You may not see the change right away, but growth is constantly taking place.
Quotes the Changed MY Life We can’t predict the future, but we can work hard as hell to create it.
We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.
Take a second out of your day, EVERYDAY, to appreciate your blessings.
Stop going about your days as a servant, become the master, stop letting your days run you and start running them.
Sacrifice today for tomorrows betterment, you are willing to pay those payments with pain, because pain is just a message when you are fixing something that’s insufficient in your life.
Believe you can and you’re halfway there The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me Successful people are ALWAYS looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, “What’s in it for me?”
Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.
We are apart of the universe. The universe is incredible, unimaginable, boundless and so much more. We are apart of the universe…. and the universe is apart of US!
When I stand before my maker at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could honestly say, I used everything you gave me! Love this one!
What YOU’VE learned We won the hardest competition we’ll ever face, and with this victory we have been rewarded with a reason to be on this planet! We have value and power! If you want the trash to be taken out you have to take it out yourself. Don’t waste any of your jelly beans.
Be patient Appreciate every moment of life, don’t get caught up in the past and the future. How to motivate myself and those around me. How my childhood experiences influence the person I am. How and why people are different and why different is actually awesome! I learned more about myself than I ever really wanted to! ;) You’re welcome!!!!
Sleep is one of the most important aspects of life. Don’t give elephants acid How blessed I am to be sitting here. I can be whatever I want to be as long as I believe in it 100% I have no idea what reality is. I can overcome my anxiety and depression! Be kind to everyone because everyone is amazing and here for a reason.
Different ways we develop through life To always question everything Love myself for who I am! How important it is to spread my wings and fly out of my comfort zone. Let my freak flag fly! More about Mr. Baird’s life than any other teachers life, he’s not that much different than us! Maybe just a little more abnormal! The only thing holding me back in life is myself. Life is a gift that can be taken from us at any second, so we need to be conscious of our blessings and always strive to make the most of our precious opportunities!!!
What I’ve Learned Teenagers are possible of more than I would have ever dreamed in my entire life! If students are given a challenge along with a reason to beat the challenge, THEY WILL! I’ve learned that I can truly count on the students at Round Lake High School to always put me in a good mood. I’ve learned that I can always look to the students at RLHS and see some of the STRONGEST young human-beings on this planet. Students who do not back down to the challenges of life or school, students who do not take NO for an answer and students that will NOT stop working hard until they are successful! The resilience that you have all shown over this last semester not only helped me keep my sanity but also constantly reminded me WHY I CHOSE this profession and why I love it with all my heart. Thank you all from the absolute bottom pit of my heart, you are all apart of my family and my journey and I want to thank each and everyone of you for the positive relationships we have formed and will continue to have in the future.
In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: