1)-The Basic Features : Agent-Based Microsimulation Model Continuous Time Representation Dynamic Interactions among the Model Components Event-Driven Sequential Process Provision of Feedback and Learning 2)- The Component Steps: From Projects to The Scheduler Skeleton Schedule From Scheduler to The Projects Updating Perception of the Environment The Projects, The Individual and The Household Generation and Allocation of Activities Formation of Weekly-Daily Agenda The Scheduler and The Dynamic Traffic Microsimulator ---- Dynamic Scheduling and Rescheduling Daily Scheduling Time Frame with Weekly Rescheduling Option 3)- The Planning Horizon: Typical Week Inter-Day Activity Reallocation captures the day-to-day dynamics 4)- Daily Skeleton Schedule Formation: Hazard-Based Duration Models for Daily Routine Activities—Ensuring the Incorporation of Policy Variables at this Level Iterative Microsimulation of Start-Time and Duration of the Skeleton Components from the Modelled Duration Distributions. The Typical Daily Skeleton Schedule Components are: Work/School and Night Sleep Skeleton Component Distributions for Full-Time Workers-Hazard Model, (Habib & Miller, 2005) 5)- Activity Generation, Allocation and Location Household Based Activity Generation: Poisson Regression / Negative Binomial Regression / Inter-Activity Hazard Models for Shopping, Recreational Activities etc. Regression Models for Serve-Dependent Activities etc. Household Based Activity Allocation: Rule-Based Allocation Model Generalized Linear Latent and Mixed Model (Multilevel- multivariate Latent Variable Model); Multivariate Ordered Probability Model Tour-Based Activity Location Choice Model Considering Potential Utility of Possible Locations. Activity Generation-Allocation-Location Selection Processes are in General Project Based. Scheduler Adjusts the Project-Specified Episode Attributes based on the Dynamic Interactions with the Environment AN INTEGRATED DYNAMIC MODEL FOR ACTIVITY-BASED TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND POLICY ANALYSIS K. M. Nurul Habib & Eric J. Miller The ILUTE Component The Daily Activity/Travel Scheduler 7)- Concluding Remarks The Unscheduled Episodes in the Daily Agenda Enters in the Following Day Agenda and may Remain as Latent Activity Demand for the Following Days It Ensures the Day-to-Day Dynamics of Activity Generation Process Dynamic Traffic Microsimulator Ensures the Consideration of Within-Day Dynamics in Activity Scheduling Process Activity Scheduling-Rescheduling Process is Hybrid The Scheduling Process is Rule-Based but the Rescheduling Process Considers Utility-Based Priority and Precedence Measurements. The Econometric Methods of Generating Activity Episodes and Attributes Ensure Policy Sensitivity by Incorporating Policy Variables Skeleton Component Distribution for Part-Time Workers-Hazard Model, (Habib & Miller, 2005) 6)- Activity Scheduling and Rescheduling The Provisional Activity Scheduling is based on Rule-Based Methods as in TASHA with Tour-Based Model Choice Model (See Miller & Roorda, 2003). Activity Rescheduling model uses the Concept of Activity Utility to Determine Priority, Flexibility and Precedence. The Corresponding Mode Choice Correction is Based on Rules The Utility of Activity Episodes is Based on Dynamic Utility with Multiple Prior Concept (Habib & Miller, 2005) Activity Utility has Two Components: Goal and Process Utility Utility Goal UtilityProcess Utility Function of the Project Type & Attributes Function of Time, Starting from The Project Generation Models the Stress To Compel Execution or Deletion Dynamically Determines Priority, Flexibility and Precedence + Function of the Activity Type & Attributes Function of the Episode Duration Explicitly Recognizes the Uncertainty and Risk Aversion Attitude