Civilisation des Etats-Unis 8a: African Americans Prof. Sämi LUDWIG
Southern economy based on slavery: o Virginia: tobacco o Carolina: rice, indigo o Louisiana: sugar o Lower South: cotton 1797 Eli Whitney: patent for “ cotton gin ” requires cheap, unskilled labor
Cotton harvest
1850: 32%slaves in South o property: “chattel slavery” bought, sold; mortgaged, willed flogging, branding o Auction block: prices depend on cotton “sold down the river”
- no reading or writing (education) - no legal marriage: “jump the broom” black families broken up - white patriarchy infantilizes blacks - matriarchy, fathers lose authority sexual exploitation - rape, prostitution, breeding slaves, affairs Thomas Jefferson & Sally Hemings - “one drop of blood”-rule - white fathers vs. white mothers
stereotypes: o black mammy (Aunt Jemima), black nanny o Uncle Tom vs. savage (Nat Turner, slave rebellions) o pickaninnies o field hand (black driver ≠ overseer) vs. o house slave o quadroons, octoroon balls in New Orleans
stereotypes: Gone With the Wind
Eddie Murphy in “The Nutty Professor”
1804 Revolution in Haiti: - first free black republic - Toussaint L’Ouverture 1831 Nat Turner Rebellion