Welcome Mr. Davis English (Please start filling out the student information sheet)
Who is this Mr. Davis anyway? -CA born -Bay area to Elk Grove - I met my wife in the 7 th grade
Who is this Mr. Davis anyway? -CSUS: Spring of Degree: English -I spent the past few years teaching at I.B.M.L. in Stockton and Sture Larsson in Lincoln while earning my teaching credential.
Who is this Mr. Davis anyway? -I like to play videogames, train my dogs, watch movies, spend time with my family, cook, travel, and kayak.
I AM GLAD YOU’RE HERE! According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 347, ,000 students left high school without completing a diploma program within the past decade (NCES).
Did you know? -High school dropouts earn 65% less than people who have high school diploma (FoxNews.com). $45, Salary with a high school diploma $29, Without a high school diploma -$15,750 less!
What is Alt Ed? -CA State Standards -Same skills, different approach -Organization support -After high school support MOST IMPORTANTLY: -A chance for change
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Rules
Mr. Davis’s Rules: 1. Treat others with respect and dignity.
Mr. Davis’s Rules: 2. Be on task during class at all times.
Mr. Davis’s Rules: 3. Follow all school rules and guidelines. Bottled water/ drinks are ok!
If you chose to not follow a rule...
Consequences: 1 st time: Warning. Loss of participation points Posting on Aeries.
Consequences: 2 nd time: Loss of participation points. Action Plan. Posting on Aeries.
Consequences: 3 rd time: Loss of participation points. Letter to parents/guardians. Lunch detention. Posting on Aeries.
Consequences: 4 th time: Loss of participation points. Contract and letter sent home. Phone call home. Lunch detention/after school detention Posting on Aeries
Consequences : 5 th time: Loss of participation points. Referral to the office with other actions (ISS or Saturday school).
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures
Start of the day: Wait outside to be invited in. I will welcome you in every day with a greeting and a handshake.
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures Start of the day: Come in and prepare for the day. Be in your seat working quietly when the music stops.
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures: Start of the day: You earn 2 participation points everyday if you are on time and working properly in class.
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures: Start of the day: -If the bell rings before you are in your seat, quietly go to the office and get a late slip. -Place the late slip into the late slip envelope.
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures Asking for help: Raise your hand
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures Gathering Attention: Hand Clap
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures Finished with class work early: Extra Credit on board
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures Proper heading on all papers: Name Student # Date
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures Bathroom: Raise 3 fingers
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures: Seating: Stay in your assigned seat unless you have permission to do otherwise.
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures Late work: Nothing will be allowed to be turned in after the final due date.
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures Absent work: The daily agenda is posted on the class website every day.
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures Absent work: If you have any questions about the work you missed ask me at lunch or after school.
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures Absent work: -Make up the work and turn it in. -You have one week upon return to class to make up and turn in the work you have missed.
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures End of the day: -I dismiss my class at the end of the day. -The classroom must be clean and organized before dismissal.
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures Passing back work: -I will return work to you once it is graded. -You will file the work in the appropriate section.
Participation Points Participation points are worth 10 percent of your overall grade. If you are absent, you lose all of the participation points for that day. If you are late you will lose 1 participation point for that day. If you don’t follow a classroom rule, you will lose varying amounts of participation points.
Agenda and the homework -Found on the whiteboard everyday. -The homework will always be in red.
Phone App Everyone’s name is in an app on my phone that allows me to randomly call on students.
Content -You may have studied some material before or have done similar assignments. -Do not turn in similar assignments or essays.
Personal Concerns At lunch or after school.
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures Passing things in: -Each class has a work box.
Mr. Davis’s Classroom Procedures Music: -Red=No Ipods -Green= Ipods OK
Binder Setup 1. Prime Times 2. Reading tools 3. Writing tools 4. Assignments -Put some paper in each section.
Binder Setup for homeroom 1. Reading list in the Reading tools section.