Answer in your notes...What does the image on the right suggest about the Holocaust's legacy?
Possible Answer: the Holocaust was the most horrific instance of genocide in the 20 th century. You would think that people would learn from the 11 million people who were murdered. Yet Genocide has occurred numerous times since. Darfur, a region in the Sudan is just one example.
The unit we are beginning focuses on conflicts that may arise when different groups of people interact. Today's lesson will help you better understand the concepts stereotypes, racism, discrimination, oppression, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. Future lessons will examine specific cases of each.
CS BM Daily Agenda: CS- “People in Societies” BM- Causes and consequences of discrimination, oppression, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. Daily Agenda: -Animoto video (you will produce one this week) -Think-pair-share -Internet Research -Class notes -Quiz
What are Stereotypes? Grouping races or individuals together and making judgments about them without knowing them. Racial remarks, sexual remarks, and gender remarks are the biggest stereotypes.
Examples of stereotypes... “All black people are good athletes.” “All Muslim Arabs are terrorists.” “All Irish people are drunks.” “Asians are bad drivers.” “Americans are fat and obnoxious.” “Men are tough and rugged.” “Women are sensitive caregivers.” “People from Madison are Hillbillies.”
Why is it bad to stereotype? It is a form of bullying, even if the stereotype happens to be true. Self-fulfilling prophecy Can lead to hate (by the person stereotyping) Can lead to fear. (by group being stereotyped) Leads to conflict.
What is Racism? Believing that one race is superior to others. A HATRED towards other races. Racism is often coupled with ETHNOCENTRISM, Which is a belief that one culture (way of life) is superior to others. Racism is a BELIEF that may or may not lead to an action.
Examples of Racism Nazi perception of Jews. Slave owner's perception of African Slaves. KKK views on any person not white/protestant. What came 1 st, the chicken or the egg????
What is Discrimination? Treating someone unfairly based on race, gender, age, or cultural beliefs.
Examples of Discrimination An employer not hiring a person based on race. Getting fired for being pregnant (gender)
What is Oppression? A prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control by one group over another. It's a more severe form of discrimination.
Examples of Oppression Apartheid in South Africa. Jim Crow laws in the Southern U.S. Palestinians in the Middle East. Jews prior to the Holocaust.
The Most important part of this lesson.... WHY???
What is Ethnic Cleansing? The forced removal of an ethnic/cultural/racial group thru forced emigration, deportation, or murder.
Examples of Ethnic Cleansing Kristallnacht (Nazi Germany) Darfur (Sudan) Muslims (Yugoslavia)
What is Genocide? The deliberate, systematic extermination of an entire group of people based on race, culture, political differences.
Examples of Genocide The Holocaust The Armenian Genocide The Cambodian Genocide