Welcome Parents! “Back to School 2015” Your child’s success is the goal!
About Me… Ms. Patricia Chilkotowsky a/k/a “Ms. C.” Beginning my 16 th year of teaching – WOW! Degrees/Certifications: DCCC – Liberal Arts 1992 Rosemont College – Bachelor’s in Psychology 1994 Teaching Certification 1998 PA 6-8 Social Studies Certification 2003 Temple University – Masters Degree EdTechnology 2005
A little more… A Philly Native, I lived in DelCo for almost 19 years, then migrated to Chester County Family and friends are important to me Love Sports – Trying to look forward to this Eagles’ Season…trying Love music, books, and being active among many other things…
Contact Me… * Agenda Book – Drop me a line!* Phone: extension 5121 * – * * These get the fastest response turnaround!
Curriculum The American Studies curriculum has been revised. We will begin with the Creation of the Constitution and end with The American Civil War. General Outline: 1 st Quarter – US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Structure of US Government 2 nd Quarter – Early Presidents, Federalism, Growth and Expansion 3 rd Quarter – Jackson’s Influence, Industry and Expansion 4 th Quarter – Pre-Civil War, Civil War, Reconstruction The class meets for 47 minutes, 5 days/week.
Curriculum Cont. Our curriculum is based on the PA Core Standards for History and Social Studies, Civics and Government.
Expectations Your child will need to read, write, speak, listen, participate, and study to be successful. If your child needs help, I am available Monday-Thursday from 2:45 – 3:30 PM, unless otherwise noted.
ONLINE TEXTBOOK Our new McGraw Hill textbook is online! WEBSITE: connected.mcgraw-hill.com USER NAME: GoSS along with child’s lunch id EXAMPLE: GoSS12345 PASSWORD: SAME AS USER NAME
GRADING Grading policy is based upon the ISD Grading Scale: Homework (10% of grade) HW will receive full credit if turned in on time. Sloppy or incomplete assignments will not be accepted! Teacher Specific Assignments and Activities (20% of Grade) Formal Assessments (70% of grade) – Quizzes = 20%, Tests 50%
EXTRA CREDIT There are two ways to earn extra credit and they are available to ALL students: 1. Trivia Tuesday – A question every Tuesday, unless otherwise noted. 2. BONUS items on tests. I usually add 3-6 bonus items per test. Please encourage your child to try these! They can’t hurt, they only help!
Absences It is the student’s responsibility to retrieve missed handouts/assignments from me. Daily Assignments are posted on the Promethean board, as well as on my teacher webpage. Students have one day for each excused absence to turn in missing work. In the event of an extended absence, personal arrangements will be made.
See my website… A copy of the syllabus and this PowerPoint are available online. Go to find my class page, and click American Studies Resources.
Thank you for coming!