Polar/Tundra Climates By: Anna
Where in the world this climate exists Antarctica, Greenland, Scandinavia, Bering Strait, l Siberia, and northern Iceland, Canada and northern Alaska, South America, South Shetland Islands, and Falkland Islands tundra
Temperature ranges: Polar: 32 to 50 Tundra: -40 to 32
In the polar and tundra climate its snowy and icy all year round In the polar and tundra climate its snowy and icy all year round. The sun does come out but that doesn’t change how cold it is by that much. Tundra is colder than polar.
Animals and plants that live in this region Fly Muskox owl penguin polar bear ptarmigan seal stick bug weasel whale wolf Polar bears Walruses Snow rabbits Artic foxes auk caribou coati coyote deer finch
Plants bearberry, arctic moss, Caribou moss, Diamond leaf willow, Labrador Tea, Pasqual Flower, Tufted are plants that are in polar and tundra regains.