Ms. Turnbull Quarter 2 World History Fall 2015 Has the textbook/materials/contact info Tuesday and Thursday after school until 3:30pm You can always me questions or ask for missing work
You must be sitting in your seat when final bell rings Bell work on your desk when final bell rings The first 10 minutes of class will be dedicated to you writing the day’s objective, agenda, and answering the prompt on the board There should be no talking.
I will be in my seat when the final bell rings. I will be prepared and ready to learn. (homework/materials/paying attention during class) I will be respectful to others inside and outside the classroom. I will abide by the student handbook/code of conduct. My work will be my own. (No copying. No plagiarism.) I will only have bottled water in the classroom.
Technology will not be out unless told to take it out Ms. Turnbull will hold onto your technology if you do not use it appropriately. When using technology, be on task.
Check the pink assignment bin Ask a neighbor for notes/bell work/what you missed Look at the weekly/daily agenda Last option: come see Ms.Turnbull BEFORE or AFTER class. Unexcused absence = all work missed is late Excused absence = 2 days to work (per day missed)
Will be written legibly. If I cannot read it, I cannot grade it. Will be written as an original piece of work. The work will not copied or plagiarized from another source or student. Late assignments will be 50% off of total score. Late Assignments: Attached Late Assignment sheet Unexcused Absence Assignments: Attached Late Assignment sheet Excused Absence Assignments: Attach Absent Assignment Sheet
Will be discussed before/after class Only in person (I cannot tell you/parent over /phone) Grades will be updated AT LEAST once a week on Tuesday Your grades have categories, so one assignment may have a huge impact, while another may not. It is important to see your average in each category. Grade Breakdown 5% bell work 10% participation 20% quizzes 20% tests/projects 25% assignments 20% Final exam (EOCA)