CHAPTER 18 1.Amir is very upset when he hears the truth about Hassan. See the last two paragraphs on pages Does Amir have a right to feel betrayed? 2.On 238 Amir realizes that he and Baba are more alike than he realized. Do you think he is right? 3.What is the one thing that Amir admits Baba has never lied about? (239)
CHAPTER 19 1.Why does Farid have so much resentment toward Amir? 2.What does Farid mean when he tells Amir, “ ‘You’ve always been a tourist here, you just didn’t know it.’ ”(245)? 3.Wahid treats Amir with respect, provides him food they can’t spare, and scolds Farid for dishonoring him. What does this say about Wahid and Afghani people in general? 4.The chapter ends with a great example of situational irony. Explain
CHAPTER 20 1.In Chapter 20, Amir sees Kabul for the first time since leaving. How has it changed? 2.What does Amir feel upon seeing the Taliban for the first time? (259) 3.What does Amir learn about his mother from the old beggar?( ) 4.The director of the orphanage, Zaman, tells Amir that Sohrab was taken by a Taliban official, who takes children, usually girls, about once a month. The official gives Zaman a great deal of cash. Amir has to restrain Farid from killing him. How does Zaman defend his actions?
CHAPTER 21 1.The cruelty of the Taliban is clearly evident in this chapter, culminating with the stoning at the Ghazi Stadium. How do they justify their actions (283).
CHAPTER 22 1.What is your reaction to Assef’s reappearance as a Talib? How does he justify his transformation? ( ) Has he changed? 2.Why are the marks on Assef’s forearm mentioned?(289) 3.Sohrab saves Amir’s life. Why might this be considered ironic?
CHAPTER 23 1.What does Amir mean when he tells Farid “ ‘Let’s just say we both got what we deserved’ ’’(313)? 2.How are Amir and Baba both “tortured souls” (316)? 3.Why did Rahim Khan lie about John and Betty Caldwell?
CHAPTER 24 1.What is Sohrab’s worry? (334) How does Amir ease his mind? 2.Why does Sohrab attempt suicide?
CHAPTER 25 1.How does Amir deal with General Sahib’s reference to Sohrab as a “Hazara boy”? What does this prove about how Amir has changed? 2.The novel does not necessarily have a happy ending, but it ends with hope. Explain
FINAL THOUGHTS Do you have any final observations or questions about this novel?