Amir as a Hero By Rosie Wilson. Amir is not initially a hero.... he is a coward, Reasons for Amir’s cowardly nature: Longing for a father that feels detached.


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Presentation transcript:

Amir as a Hero By Rosie Wilson

Amir is not initially a hero.... he is a coward, Reasons for Amir’s cowardly nature: Longing for a father that feels detached from his son. Having a Hazara servant, Hassan, who longs for Amir's acceptance – therefore doing anything Amir asks of him, including taking blames for things Amir made him do. Feeling of worthlessness as he thinks that he did not grow to be like his father. Burdened with guilt – his mother died while giving birth to him and witnessed Hassan get raped then not telling anybody. up until the eighteenth chapter.

The turning point. The 17 th - 18 th chapters mark the turning point in Amir's attitude towards atonement, after been told that Hassan was infact his half-brother, Rahim Khan explains that he also had a recently orphaned son – Sohrab. Amir and his father were a lot more alike than Amir ever thought, ironically his father had a secret too – Hassan. “there is a way to be good again” Since Hassan is dead, the only way he can right his wrongs with Hassan is with his son, Sohrab. After hearing this news, Amir feels he can now break away the ‘chains’ that have been holding him back in his past and begin to right his wrongs.

Small acts of heroism. These build up to the main and most important and challenging act. On his journey to find Sohrab, the driver – Farid – lets him stay at his house over-night. Amir thought that his children were eyeing up his watch – so he gave them his watch, showing generosity, later realising that they were actually looking at his food. The family is poor and they shared what little food they had with Amir, Amir took it in his own hands to give them what they needed and so he hid money underneath a mattress for them to find. The fact Amir agreed to do this, is a big step for him – usually he would have backed out of any sort of conflict but he has allowed himself to take this chance.

Main heroic act in The Kite Runner. Saving Sohrab: Amir has to fight his childhood bully in order to save Sohrab as Assef is now a Talib and took Sohrab from the orphanage. Assef batters and breaks Amir’s body – but though his body broken Amir “felt healed at last” This is the ultimate heroic act because he had to fight his own battles for the first time in his life – but this was not only to benefit himself, this gave an orphan, who was also his nephew, a second chance. Because Amir felt the pain he had given to others, especially Hassan, from Assef his journey is almost complete, it finishes when he finally can take Sohrab to America with him and give him another chance with family.

The change in Amir through this atonement is very significant, he has went from being a cowardly man, tied down by his past to a matured adult - finally free from the burden of his past, and willing to stand up to anyone that gets in the way of his life, he broke various bones and got beaten to a pulp not just for his nephew, but so that a bully learns a lesson he can never forget - that is a hero. Amir is now a hero. His change in confidence after succeeding in saving his nephew means that he now knows that he needs to be a role model for Sohrab, he would do anything for him – like how Hassan was with Amir – he wants to be a hero in Sohrab’s eyes. He stands up for Sohrab when General Taheri asks about him, calling Sohrab a “Hazara boy”, Amir corrects him by stating that Sohrab has a name and then goes on to tell General Taheri the story that a Hazara is his half-brother – this shows real confidence since reputation is very important to Afghans and Amir just clouded his.