March 6 – 13, 1988
Deaf President Now! Began as a movement long before 1988 Fueled by Deaf Community’s desire to see a Deaf president at Gallaudet During Gallaudet’s 124 year history, all presidents were hearing Deaf people felt it was time for change
It all began…. In 1983, Gallaudet’s 6th president, Dr. Jerry Lee, was appointed by the Board of Trustees. He was formerly the V.P for Administration & Business at Gallaudet and was named President of the university for a specific reason. That reason was to straighten out Gallaudet’s financial situation, which was in a terrible mess at the time. His appointment as President was understood to be temporary – never permanent. During Dr. Lee’s tenure as President of GU, the DPN movement was born. Deaf people realized that now was a good time to begin advocating for a Deaf president, so that when Lee left, the Board of Trustees would be aware of the community’s wishes and appoint a Deaf person accordingly. Committees were formed, including the President’s Council on Deafness (PDC), to research the role of Deaf people on campus at GU. In addition, members of the Deaf community both on and off campus began contacting the members of the BoT via letters, e-mails, phone calls, etc. expressing their desire to have a Deaf president. In August, 1987, Dr. Lee announced his upcoming resignation to become a CEO of the Bassett Furniture Company. Throughout his tenure, he had strongly supported the idea of a Deaf president for Gallaudet.
Dr. Jerry Lee 6th President 1983-1987
The Final 3 Candidates!
Dr. Harvey Corson Born Deaf Alumni of Gallaudet University – Class of 1964 Superintendent of the Louisiana School for the Deaf Later became Executive Director of the American School for the Deaf in Hartford, Connecticut
Dr. I King Jordan Became Deaf at the age of 21 from a motorcycle accident Graduated from Gallaudet 1970 with a B.A. in psychology Started as a professor of psychology at GU, moving up to Chair of the Department Appointed GU Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences in 1986
Dr. Elisabeth Zinser Hearing Native of Meadville, PA B.A. from Stanford in California Assistant Chancellor of the University of North Carolina, Greensboro No prior experience with Deaf people or knowledge of ASL Later became President of Southern Oregon University
Three Candidates (12 Years Later)
The Four Student Leaders
Tim Rarus Deaf from a Deaf family From Arizona Government Major –Class of 1988 Outgoing President of SBG On the President’s Search Committee Very outspoken
Greg Hlibok Deaf from a Deaf family From New York Government Major –Class of 1989 Recently elected President of SBG “Face of DPN” Calm & professional
Jerry Covell Deaf From Missouri Government Major – Class of 1989 Competed against Hlibok for SBG Presidency Fiery & passionate speaker
Bridgetta Bourne-Firl Deaf From California (?) Government Major – Class of 1989 Ran with Covell for SBG Soft-spoken but politically active Organizer
Reasons for DPN’s Success Strong leadership both on and off campus Widespread support from within and outside the Deaf Community Extensive media coverage Happened at the right time and the right place
Results of DPN Gallaudet University’s first Deaf President – Dr. I King Jordan Increased awareness of and respect for the Deaf Self-empowerment for Deaf People; Deaf Pride, Deaf Identity, Deaf Power Passage of important Disability legislation - ADA
“Deaf people can do anything…except hear.” Dr. I King Jordan 8th President 1988-2006 “Deaf people can do anything…except hear.”
Gallaudet’s Three Deaf Presidents Since DPN Dr. I King Jordan, Dr. T Alan Hurwitz & Dr. Robert Davila