Deaf Sisterhood (2011) Bim Ajadi created a total of twelve films when he was an editor. Some of his work includes documentaries short films for example ‘Deaf Sisterhood’ which is a TV movie documentary which was released in However the best film he did received award for a film called Champion of the World. It is about a talent athlete girl who focused on her aim to become a hurdler _Deaffest%20awards%20recognise%20UK%20film%20and%20 acting%20talent ‘Champion of the World’ Bim Ajadi had a lot of different roles through his life for TV and film: director, editor, writer, cinematographer, producer, sound department and more. you can see this website of Bim Ajadi’s works.
Summery of ‘Underwear awareness’ narrative Bim Ajadi created a documentry film called ‘Underwear rule’ to encourage young deaf people in the UK to be aware of their safety and to learn that their body is private. Bim Ajadi uses the most of the narrative theory in ‘Underwear rule’ and in addition, this film is a linear narrative. It helps deaf people to understand clearly about their risk and safety. However, Ajadi created two separate stories about a deaf boy and girl but within the same narrative. In addition, both boy and girl are different ages as the boy appears to be teenager while girl appears to be younger. Ajadi wants his audience to be aware that this could happen to everyone, no matter gender, age etc.
I have created a short film that is based on deaf awareness and of levels deafness. My aim is to make sure my target audience, which is deaf and hearing people in the UK being aware of people's deafness; I want them to know that deaf people have different support needs depending on their level of deafness and how can they can help them. My film 'Deafness levels' is similar to Bim Ajadi's film- 'Underwear Rule' in that I have used some narrative similar to the film. Both my film and Ajax's film are linear and documentary as which helps deaf people understand the order. However I show the negative scene of communication between hearing and deaf people. For example, a deaf girl, who has profound deafness, finds difficult to communicate with hearing people without hearing aids or her cochlear; it is rupture and I use new equilibrium to show the hearing audience how to communication with deaf people. Finally, my film and Ajadi's film have the same closure but with different effects. Both have deaf person give a brief message about the different communication needs for deaf people, including facts about deaf children in the UK from NDCS (National Deaf Children Society). It is the same in Ajadi's film; each person signs giving a warning and advice about underpants safety. ‘Deafness level’ and ‘Underwear Rule’ narrative
My video of deafness awareness
My career development plan Director in See Hear Study BTEC Media Level 3: TV and Film Director in See Hear NDCS (National Deaf Children Society) to become an volunteer Become YAB volunteer for NDCS University of Wolverhampton Birmingham City University University of Westminster University of Wolverhampton Birmingham City University University of Westminster Work in See Hear or NDCS for part time job Part time job in See Hear (runner) 3rd Assistant 2nd Assistant
My plan is to become a director for See Hear. Firstly, I need to focus on creative media level three (TV and Film) and achieve a distinction from 2015 to It is rare to get a university in the UK which provide support for the deaf. At Wolverhampton university deaf students have created a film about deaf awareness for staff and students but unfortunately there are no media course that link to my career: director. First choice is University of westminster in North- West London. This university provides 'the best known film and television courses in the world'. Students create their own videos before they are sent to be shown all over the world! Include some awards such as a student Academy Award. This course is called: Film BA Honours (used to be Film and Television Production BA) and the students will study this course full time for three years. Students learn general media such as editing, writing, producing, directing etc.
Westminster university 's aim is to develop the students in to becoming 'thinking film makers' which means students create a film to give a message around the world or making people aware. Students will also get to work closely with TV industry and get opportunity of working with actors. In work experience in the three years of the Professional Practice.
Another choice is the University of Birmingham which provides a BSL interpreter, note taker and gives extra time in exams for deaf students. One of media course that attracted me was media and communication (television) for BS (HONS) which is a full time for three years. This course provides eight different career options that could match my future career. It also provides you with general knowledge of pre production such as make up, TV, radio and film photography studio, editing etc. You can also create your own blog or wikis to support your work. You will learn how to use single camera, editing equipment.
If I don’t go to university then I have to apply for a part time job for See Hear and become a runner which is a good start in becoming director. I also would also like to become a volunteer in YAB (Youth Advisory Board) with NDCS (National Deaf Children's Society) to work with deaf young people who create campaigns to get their needs met for example their needs in education, and in health services to improve service in the UK. However….