By: Emilse Rosa
By putting words that relate to the main term the students are able to give you their knowledge on sub-terms and figure out for themselves what the main term means. She activated prior learned knowledge to help them understand new lesson. With a smaller classroom it would be easier to get through all the students because you get to know their abilities By making students recall prior knowledge they will be able to learn more because they expect to see what they think should be there because they refuse to change their thinking By doing this it helps teachers figure out how students use what they already know about a topic Cues give hints and that’s how they are useful By asking questions you uncover previously learned knowledge so you are digging so that students figure out the new topic
It all has to do with the type of question you are asked There are different types of questions like common sense questions: when do you cross the street?, a more advanced question would be what is the derivative of 3x^2+6x? In knowing and learning an example would be when we watched the private universe video and were given the worksheet that asked us why we thought seasons happen and we responded why
Asking thought provoking questions Skimming reading to go through most important parts in half the time Narrative advance organizers give students information in a story kind of way Having a discussion in class Going over topics in a more engaging manner so it is more interesting and it sticks more in students memory so it is easier to recall then a power point and long lecture