Envirothon Review Edition
SOIL AND SUCH Sand sort of obvious Silt stick in the groves of your fingers (compress) Clay will ‘ball up’ Loam mixture of particle sizes ‘
O – organic (partially decomposed matter A – topsoil (lots of nutrients) B – subsoil (small particles; few nutrients) C – partially weathered rock R - bedrock Soil Horizons
Caddisfly Larvae
Damselfly Larvae
Dobsonfly Larvae
Stonefly Larvae GILLS!!! Gills on legs 2 or 3 hair like tails
Mayfly Larvae GILLS!!! Gills on abdomen 2 or 3 hair like tails
Green Frog
Bull Frog
Marbled Salamander
Northern Two Lined Salamander
Remember – You only increase in stream order when two like numbered streams come together. EX: If a 3 rd order and 2 nd order stream come together, they do not make a 5 th order stream. It would still be considered a 3 rd order stream!
Gypsy Moth
Asian Long-Horned Beetle
Emerald Ash Borer
Hemlock Wooly Adelgid
Black Bear
Cottontail Rabbit
River Otter
White-Tailed Deer
Eastern Coyote Elk
Red FoxGray Fox
Striped Skunk
Bird Calls Bald Eagle Barn Owl Barred Owl Black-Capped Chickadee Blue Jay Canada Goose Cardinal Common Nighthawk Crow Dove Eastern Towhee Great Blue Heron Great Horned Owl House Sparrow House Wren Kestrel Mallard Meadowlark Northern Flicker Osprey Pheasant Pileated Woodpecker Red-Tailed Hawk Red-winged Blackbird Ruffed Grouse Robin Screech Owl Wild Turkey Wood Duck Wood Thrush Woodcock Use the Identiflyer and cards to learn these bird calls.