Senior secondary schooling Information for Students & Parents
All students receive a Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA) when they complete Year 12. The WASSA: formally records a student’s achievement in every course, qualification and program that the student has completed in senior secondary schooling provides evidence of achievement. WASSA – All students
Is awarded to students who have successfully completed senior secondary schooling in WACE studies and have met the WACE requirements. The majority of students in Western Australia achieve the WACE. Study towards the WACE can be undertaken over a lifetime. The Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)
ATTAINMENT Students must: complete at least four Year 12 ATAR courses or achieve a Certificate II (or higher) in a Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification WACE requirements
meet literacy and numeracy standards- OLNA; meet requirements for breadth and depth of study; -complete minimum 20 units - (10 from Y12) - two (2) Year 11 and pair of Year 12 English units - one pair from List A Arts/ Languages/ Social Sciences) and - one pair from List B (Mathematics/ Science & Technology) meet the achievement standard; -at least 14 C grades or higher (or equivalent) with a minimum of 6 from Year 12 WACE requirements (continued)
Students must demonstrate minimum standards of literacy and numeracy by either: achieving Band 8 or above in reading, writing and numeracy in their Year 9 NAPLAN, or demonstrating the standard through the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) (this will be explained shortly). Literacy and numeracy standards
Students are offered three study options which they can mix and match: WACE courses Vocational Education and Training Endorsed programs Study options
There are four types of WACE courses WACE courses
WACE courses types (continued)
The Authority also provides Preliminary courses for students who have been identified as having a: learning difficulty and/or an intellectual disability, and recognised disability under the Disability Discrimination Act Available through our Learning Centre. Preliminary courses do not contribute to the WACE, but a student doing Preliminary courses may also undertake studies that do contribute to the WACE. Preliminary courses
VET is nationally recognised and enables students to gain qualifications for all types of employment, and specific skills to help them in the workplace or in further training. Students must apply for a USI -Unique Student Indentifier which they need to keep to access their records and to be enrolled and credited with their results. Vocational Education and Training
As part of the minimum WACE requirements a student who chooses not to complete four ATAR courses must complete a minimum of a Certificate II or higher. Studying VET can provide up to eight unit towards the number of course units students need to complete to achieve their WACE. Students will typically enrol in 4 or 5 additional ATAR, General or Foundation courses to meet the WACE requirement. VET contribution to the WACE
VET equivalences Completed qualification Equivalence total Credit allocation (units) Year 11Year 12 Certificate I2 units2— Certificate II4 units22 Certificate III and higher 6 units24
Endorsed programs Provide access to areas of learning not covered by WACE courses or VET programs and contribute to the WACE as unit equivalents eg Workplace Learning. Are for students wishing to participate in programs that are delivered in a variety of settings by schools, workplaces, universities and community organisations.
Can contribute towards the breadth and depth requirements of the WACE and the C standard. A student can count a maximum of four unit equivalents towards the WACE - two units of equivalence in Year 11 and two units in Year 12. Endorsed programs
Students can change courses in Year 11 as the courses are semesterised. Students can switch between course types. There are points in the semester after which they should not change courses because it would be unlikely they could complete the assessment program. Changing courses
Meeting these standards: is a benchmark of educational achievement is valued by employers and post-school training providers ensures all students leave school with the best chances of future success. Literacy and numeracy standards
Adjustments will be made to OLNA conditions if a student’s access to the assessment is significantly affected by a disability, impairment, illness or impediment. Evidence of a disability diagnosed by a specialised medical professional is required for adjustment. OLNA disability adjustments
Adjustments typically requested for approval by principals include: rest breaks and provision for a pause button extra time to work a reader scribe assistance for the writing component use of a support person for the reading and numeracy components special formats. OLNA — Typical adjustments
Foundation courses: developed for students who have not yet met the minimum standards through the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment focus on literacy and numeracy skills, practical work- related experience and the opportunity to build personal skills that are important for life and work students who have achieved the minimum standard of literacy and/or numeracy through the OLNA are not eligible to enrol in Foundation courses. Assistance to meet the standard
Course Offerings WSC 2017
Offerings WSC 2017
Workplace Learning Other programs may offer the opportunity to complete an Endorsed Program eg Interstate or overseas School Trips eg School Productions eg outside providers Cadets… ENDORSED PROGRAMS
Workplace Learning- ADWPL Workplace Learning is an Authority ‐ developed program Students work in one or more real workplace/s to develop a set of transferable workplace skills 55 hours and must complete a Log Book and Skills Journal; - currently in two week block Students may accrue a maximum of two Year 11 units and two Year 12 units in Workplace Learning to contribute towards their WACE Students choosing Workplace Learning must choose Career & Enterprise as one of their courses.
The Senior School Engagement Program (SSEP) provides: a flexible study program including part school, part TAFE/ work Develop individual career choices with extensive practical work experience a work safe certificate opportunities to develop new skills to prepare students for the world of work. allows the student to graduate, achieving WACE, whilst participating in School Based Apprenticeships or Traineeships, gaining TAFE qualifications and/or workplace learning. Joondalup Off Campus SSEP
Minimum entry requirement Entry into this course will require an interview and a preparedness to travel to Wanneroo Secondary College - Joondalup Campus for the three school days. The course involves 3 days per week in school and 2 days in the workplace and /or TAFE. During their two days in the workplace or at TAFE/Training students may be engaged in one of the following: School Based Apprenticeship / School Based Traineeship /Pre Apprenticeships in School (PAIS).. Joondalup
Joondalup Campus
Possible industry areas may include; Automotive (heavy & light vehicle, auto body refinishing & repair, auto electrical) Building & Construction (wall & floor tiling, bricklaying, carpentry & joinery, ceiling fixing, plastering) Community Services, Health and Education Hospitality and Tourism Horticulture (landscaping, nursery, turf, gardening) Furniture Trades (cabinet making, furniture finishing, upholstery) Light Manufacturing (Cabinet Maker, Floor Covering, Furniture Maker, Glazier and Glass Processor, Timber Furniture Polisher, Upholsterer, Wood Machinist) Metals and Engineering (plant, fabrication and mechanical fitting) Printing (Binding and Finishing, Graphic Pre-Press, Print Machining, Screen Printing) Personal Services (beauty/make-up, retail and wholesale) Primary Industry (Gardener, Landscape Gardener, Nursery Technician, Saw Doctor, Turf Management) Electrical The above information provides only an indication of the trades to be delivered and will depend upon skill shortages at the time and participating Registered Training Organisation’s (RTO) ability to deliver TRAINING WA/TAFE COURSE QUALIFICATION
LEARNING CENTRE Preliminary courses offered will include: English P1/2ENG Mathematics P1/2MAE Endorsed Program; Workplace Learning ADWL Also one or more of the following nationally recognised vocational education and training qualifications: Certificate IISkills for Work and Vocational Pathways Certificate I Business
able to select across a range of certificates, course units at a number of levels to suit a variety of skills, achievement and post-school aspirations UNIVERSITY PATHWAY GENERAL TRAINING/EMPLOYMENT PATHWAY COMPOSITE PATHWAY MULTIPLE PATHWAYS TO ACHIEVE THE WACE
DIRECT ENTRY To be considered for university admission as a school leaver applicant, normally you must - meet the requirements for the Western Australian Certificate of Education -WACE achieve tertiary competence in English as prescribed by the individual universities obtain a sufficiently high ATAR/Selection Rank for entry to a particular course, and satisfy any prerequisites or special requirements for entry to particular courses. ALTERNATE ENTRY PATHWAYS Portfolio and preparation courses AQF TAFE Certificate IV or above UNIVERSITY ENTRY PATHWAYS
UNIVERSITY PATHWAY If you wish to head to university once you finish Year 12, you should enrol in at least four ATAR courses to be eligible for an ATAR. You may choose 6, 5 or 4 ATAR courses, as part of your six units. ATAR rank is used by universities as a selection mechanism. More information about the ATAR is available at; about.tisc?cid= about.tisc?cid=12862 MULTIPLE PATHWAYS TO ACHIEVE THE WACE
meet the entrance requirements for the chosen course need to complete at least a Certificate 2 or higher at school in order to be competitive Selection criteria will focus on - secondary education achievement (grades) - skill development (particularly in English /Communication and Mathematics/ Numeracy OLNA /Grades, - previous qualifications - workplace learning; paid or unpaid). TRAINING WA TAFE
TAFE Point System for Competitive Entry TRAINING TAFE WA
GENERAL TAFE/ EMPLOYMENT PATHWAY to achieve a minimum of a Certificate II qualification. choose one of the Certificates and then the remaining five courses from the range of General Courses. Some TAFE courses and trades such as Electrical and Information Technology require ATAR level Mathematics Courses. More information is available at; MULTIPLE PATHWAYS TO ACHIEVE THE WACE
COMPOSITE PATHWAY If unsure whether to pursue the University or Training/Employment Pathway and have been recommended for ATAR courses based on your current achievement - to keep your options open choose four ATAR courses, one General and a Certificate for possible direct entry to university or TAFE OR 1, 2 or 3 ATAR courses, a Certificate and General courses for the balance for an Alternate Entry to university such as Portfolio or Preparation course entry. The Certificate 2 will gain you high points for a TAFE/Training aggregate. MULTIPLE PATHWAYS TO ACHIEVE THE WACE
Offerings WSC 2017
At the Counselling Session: I (student)_____ agree that if I am admitted to Year 11 at Wanneroo Secondary College I will fulfil the requirements of the Good Standing Policy and: 1.Obey all school rules. 2.Co-operate with all members of staff and treat all staff and other students in a courteous and considerate way at all times. 3.Attend school regularly and punctually as required by the regulations and the school rules. 4.Abide by the school dress code. 5.Complete all class and assigned work as required. 6.Attend tests and examinations at the scheduled times. Parent I approve the COURSEs chosen by my daughter/son. I am aware that all Senior School charges are compulsory and I agree to pay these charges in full by the end of Term The school requires a $100 deposit prior to the allocation of students to classes. [Charges may be paid by cash, cheque or credit card. A regular periodic payment agreement is also available.] SENIOR SCHOOL AGREEMENT
Student responsibilities attempt all in-class (invigilated) assessment tasks/units of competency on the scheduled date( nearly all tasks) and submit any out-of-class assessment tasks by the due date. maintain an assessment file/portfolio for each unit /pair of / certificate studied and to make it available whenever required maintain a good record of attendance (at least 90%), conduct and progress (a student who is absent from a class for five lessons or more per term is deemed to be ‘at risk’ of not achieving WACE (graduation). initiate contact with teachers concerning absence from class, missed in-class assessment tasks, requests for extension of the due date for out-of-class assessment tasks and other issues pertaining to assessment. ASSESSMENT POLICY
For students
Wanneroo Secondary College School System: Student Get Work/2017 Course Selection