UTA - REAE /24/07: Architecture & Building Systems III
Utility Services Cold water distribution Hot water distribution (boiler) Sanitary Sewer Traps, stack vents, clean-outs Electrical circuits & service type Transformers
Vertical Transportation (137) Timing and capacity studies Demand, car capacity, car speed, waiting time Hydraulic vs. traction elevators Machine rooms, counterweights, cables, pit, guide rails
Lighting ( ) General vs. Task Lighting Illuminance: ranges from lighting for difficult tasks ( fc) to ordinary office (30-80 fc) to low ambiance (20 fc) Daylighting & quality of light (avoid glare) Photometric charts for light fixtures
Acoustics ( ) Decibel scale – logarithmic Sound range: 10 dB whisper to 120 dB jet Absorption and transmission Reverberation and resonance Transmission loss (STC) Doubling mass of wall = 5 dB decrease Panel absorbers, insulation, isolation
Design Process (SP ) Reason and unreason Creativity vs. Critical Review Alternatives Studied / Discoveries Made Process is open and fluid Concepts – Schematics – Design Development – Construction Docs
Architecture Commodity – Firmness – Delight Form Follows Function Human Scale Expression of Structure Order, rhythm, symmetry, proportion Classical/Historicist Architecture Modernist Architecture
Architecture Applied styles vs. inherent style Decorated Shed vs. Duck ‘Starchitecture’ / Trophy Buildings Expression of Technology Preservation / Adaptive Re-use
Architectural History Greeks / Romans (Classical) Romanesque / Gothic Renaissance / Neo-Classical Baroque / Romantic Steel-frame / Skyscrapers Modernist Post-Modernist