LEARNING OBJECTIVES To be able to categorise any piece of sacred vocal music To be able to categorise any piece of sacred vocal music
SACRED OR SECULAR? Sacred Sacred Latin text? Latin text? Kyrie eleison, Gloria in excelsis Deo, Credo in unum Deum, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei Kyrie eleison, Gloria in excelsis Deo, Credo in unum Deum, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei Jubilate Deo, Te Deum laudamus, Magnificat, Nunc dimittis Jubilate Deo, Te Deum laudamus, Magnificat, Nunc dimittis God/Jesus/Christ? God/Jesus/Christ? Gott/Herr (German), Dieu (French), Dominus (Latin)… Gott/Herr (German), Dieu (French), Dominus (Latin)… Secular Secular Language? Language?
ACCOMPANIMENT? Solo voice? Duet? Choir? Soloist with choir? Solo voice? Duet? Choir? Soloist with choir? Orchestra? Orchestra? Piano? Piano? A cappella? A cappella?
SACRED MUSIC Mass (Latin) Mass (Latin) Renaissance: a cappella, polyphonic. Palestrina Renaissance: a cappella, polyphonic. Palestrina Baroque: continuo, mixture of solo and chorus, polyphonic. Bach Baroque: continuo, mixture of solo and chorus, polyphonic. Bach Classical: choir and orchestra + soloists. Mozart, Haydn Classical: choir and orchestra + soloists. Mozart, Haydn Romantic: very large-scale. Brahms, Fauré, Stravinsky Romantic: very large-scale. Brahms, Fauré, Stravinsky Motet (Latin) Motet (Latin) Renaissance period, polyphonic, a cappella. Lassus, Victoria Renaissance period, polyphonic, a cappella. Lassus, Victoria Sometimes polychoral with some instruments. Gabrieli Sometimes polychoral with some instruments. Gabrieli
SACRED MUSIC 2 Anthem (English) Anthem (English) Like a motet but in English Like a motet but in English Alternating solo/chorus passages = Renaissance verse anthem. Byrd, Tallis Alternating solo/chorus passages = Renaissance verse anthem. Byrd, Tallis Baroque = Handel, Purcell Baroque = Handel, Purcell Organ accompaniment = Parry, Stanford, Howells, etc. Organ accompaniment = Parry, Stanford, Howells, etc. Cantata (German) Cantata (German) Baroque, very similar to Baroque Mass but with chorale settings too. Bach Baroque, very similar to Baroque Mass but with chorale settings too. Bach
SACRED MUSIC 3 Oratorio (any language except Latin) Oratorio (any language except Latin) Essentially a sacred opera Essentially a sacred opera Recitatives, arias, choruses Recitatives, arias, choruses Handel Messiah, Haydn Creation, Mendelssohn Elijah, Elgar The Apostles/Dream of Gerontius, Stravinsky Symphony of Psalms Handel Messiah, Haydn Creation, Mendelssohn Elijah, Elgar The Apostles/Dream of Gerontius, Stravinsky Symphony of Psalms If Easter text it’s called a Passion, e.g. Bach St John Passion If Easter text it’s called a Passion, e.g. Bach St John Passion
2015 TEST 4