October 2006 SEAMCAT-3 What it can do for you Artūras Medeišis, SEAMCAT Project Manager European Radiocommunications Office
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation2 Outline: SEAMCAT tool SEAMCAT-3 upgrade project New features of SEAMCAT-3 CDMA simulations in SEAMCAT-3 Future upgrades
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation3 SEAMCAT tool: Used for analysis of a variety of radio compatibility scenarios: –quantification of probability of interference between various radio systems –consideration of spatial and temporal distributions of the received signals Can model any type of radio systems in terrestrial interference scenarios Based on Monte-Carlo random generation
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation4 SEAMCAT History: Developed in CEPT in two phases as a co- operation between NRAs, ERO, industry First released in Jan-2000, then gradually developed in several phases Freely downloadable from ERO website The whole project transferred to ERO from Sep-2002
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation5 Upgrade to SEAMCAT-3: Conceived in early 2003 Main reason: need to model CDMA Also: improvement of user interfacing and general use convenience Specifications approved Aug-2003 Software development started by end of 2003 and continued until early 2005 Testing followed
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation6 SEAMCAT-3 Status Oct-06: Final adjustments (CDMA calibration) finished summer 2006 Official version available for free download Further upgrades planned for 2007: –Opening source code for public scrutiny –OFDM simulations –Moving all user documentation/Help to WIKI
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation7 SEAMCAT-3 Software: Conceptually the same interface structure as in SEAMCAT-2: workspace based, tree views and dialogue views Implemented in Java Live Web Update function for automatic download of updated version Downloadable from Source code to be open by early 2007
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation8 SMC-3 New Features (1): Modelling of CDMA systems as victim, interferer, or both: –Voice traffic only; –Quasi-static time within a snapshot; –One direction at a time (uplink or downlink); –Particular CDMA standard defined by setting a particular Link Level Data Impact of interference measured by excess outage (capacity loss due to interference)
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation9 Figure 1: CDMA results Interfered capacity Non-interfered capacity Difference Initial outage % Interfered outage % Average extra loss Initial outage provided for reference. In instances like this, where initial outage is much more than target 5% (defined in scenario), it means that algorithm miscalculated. This was often the case in early algorithm implementations, more robust CDMA algorithms implemented since
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation10 SMC-3 New Features (2): New graphic interface: –Shows positions of generated transceivers in victim and interfering systems; –Overview of results (dRSS, iRSS) –Intuitive check of simulation scenario; –Detailed insight into simulated data for modelled CDMA system (last snapshot only);
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation11 Figure 2: Graphic Interface Tree-view of scenario/results Brief summary of results Plot of transceiver positions (every 50 th snapshot)
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation12 SMC-3 New Features (3): New user-defined Propagation Model Plug-in: –Simple data interface –Any user-defined propagation model written as Java function and compiled separately –Connected as SEAMCAT-3 library element –As a result - no extra computation time –Separate testing function –Detailed guidance in Help file
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation13 Figure 3: Testing Propagation model Select In-built or user-defined model, set parameters Launch from Tools ->Test Internal Functions ->Prop Models See sample results
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation14 SMC-3 New Features (4): Remote computing: –Beneficial for large volume computations –The workspace is sent to the server, user receives when event generation completed and may download results anytime afterwards –Any PC may be set up as a computing server –Powerful multi-processor server set up at ERO for open access by all SEAMCAT users
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation15 Figure 4: Requesting remote computing Enter server address (by default ERO server shown), enter your where status updates should be sent Launch from Tools ->Remote Computing ->Send Current WS to server Upon OK, the Status is shown Function completed Problems, in this example the server runs an older version of SEAMCAT-3 (server updated manually, thus possible delay) When Status check will inform that job is finished, the download option is given to user. Upon download the Workspace opens with the generated results
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation16 SMC-3 New Features (5): New Batch simulation format: –Beneficial for multiple simulations with variation of some of scenario parameters –May use pre-defined Workspace or create a new one from Default right inside the Batch –No need to pre-identify the batch parameters –No limit on the number of batch parameters –Batch report format configurable via choice of in-built or user-defined XML style-sheets
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation17 Figure 4: Requesting remote computing Enter the desired number of batch iterations (jobs), configure their interference calculation parameters Launch from Tools ->Batch Operation For each Batch job user may define any number of changeable parameters (may be different set of parameters for different jobs) When selecting a parameters, user may select any of the scenario parameters, that all appear in a pull down list
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation18 SMC-3 CDMA modelling: CDMA algorithms are tailored universally for voice traffic in any CDMA standard Specific standard (CDMA2000-1X, W- CDMA/UMTS) for a given frequency band can be selected by incorporating a particular Link Level Data (LLD) Several LLD curves are provided as part of standard SEAMCAT-3 library, further LLD may be defined by user freely
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation19 SMC-3 CDMA algorithms (1): Two main steps: –First a succession of snapshots are run without interference, gradually loading the system to find the target non-interfered capacity per cell –Then the standard range of EGE snapshots is applied to generate the derived number of “target” users, apply interference and note the impact in terms of how many of initial users were disconnected –Different algorithms for Downlink and Uplink
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation20 SMC-3 CDMA algorithms (2): Power Control: –Modelled CDMA cell is surrounded by two tiers of auxiliary cells, and total cluster of 19 (57 for three-sector deployment option) is considered in power control tuning –Application of Wrap-Around technique for calculation of distance to closest BS produces effect of “endless” uniform network –Target Eb/No values taken from selected LLD curves
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation21 Figure 5: CDMA modelling cluster Modelled CDMA cell Two auto-generated tiers of auxiliary CDMA cells Other radio system, counter-part in interference simulation Interferer-Victim distance
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation22 Further evolutions (1): CDMA network-edge case: –Instead of centre cell, takes the cell at the edge of CDMA PC cluster as a reference cell, wrap-around formulas adjusted as if no other cells are located beyond that cell –This should be useful for e.g. cross-border or similar interference scenarios This functionality has been available since summer 2005
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation23 Figure 6: Setting Network edge mode
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation24 Further evolutions (2): Smart Post-processing Plug-in: –Possibility to invoke a user-defined plug-in at the end of snapshot generation –The plug-in is a function, which may imitate, for example, effect of smart antenna, whereas original antenna pattern is changed to track wanted and blank unwanted transmitters, resulting in change of dRSS and iRSS signals Functionality available since Oct-2005
October 2006SEAMCAT-3 General Presentation25 Conclusions: The SEAMCAT-3 upgrade project is completed mid-2006 SEAMCAT-3 provides more powerful and more user friendly simulation environment Further improvements and evolutionary upgrades are considered, ERO welcomes comments and proposals from all users