An Example of a Simple Infographic for this Yearbook Class!
So an infographic is just a way of sharing information (usually statistics or other numbers) in a visually appealing way. For example, would you rather read this REPORT about dyslexia…or this INFOGRAPHIC?
This infographic could be an interesting “extra story” on the sophomore class pages, since sophomores take driver’s ed.
Assignment #1: Take a look at some other schools’ yearbooks. Find an infographic: That you like That might work in our BHS yearbook if we put in our own data. AND…
Create infographics using the following data: Kids who work during the school year: 300 kids polled 75 work for parents 25 don't work at all 25 work at an office 30 work at a daycare 20 work at a fitness center 50 work in clothing stores 25 work in restaurants 50 have their own businesses Use Create an account as a team