Enterprise Directorate General European Commission Innovation information for Innovation NCPs Irja Vounakis
2 Training Innovation NCPs A European Innovation Portal Comprehensive coverage of innovation policy Direct access to innovation news Support to promote innovation and technology transfer Easy signposting with innovation networks Conclusive remarks
Central access to policy studies Highlights on latest innovation- related studies Direct access to and downloadable facilities for all published studies Review of upcoming surveys 3 Coverage of innovation policy
Central access to policy measures Review of policy priorities of all member states Insights on policy measures, support schemes and statistics Links to regular analysis and benchmarking, including annual scoreboard and innobarometer 4 Coverage of innovation policy
Scoreboard and benchmarking Explanation on the European scoreboard and links to annual documents Innovation performance in individual Member states Links to other benchmarking initiatives and news 5 Coverage of innovation policy
Regional initiatives to support innovation Review of the activities of innovation policy initiatives and related successes Links to regional innovative environment and pilot projects to exchange best practices Examples of European networks and of potential technology transfer 6 Coverage of innovation policy
Daily coverage including innovation activities Information on policy measures and programme implementation Focus on innovative projects and breakthrough Event announcements In English, German, French, Italian and Spanish 7 Access to innovation news
Innovation and Technology Transfer In-depth “case studies” of successful projects Published every two months Available in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish Special issue “a directory of European innovation” including key innovation contacts and service descriptions 8 Access to innovation news
Technology Opportunities Today Dedicated magazine reproducing key EU research results Published every two months Distributed to 40,000 subscribers Used by many “multiplier” organisations 9 Access to innovation news
Other magazines Magazines reproducing key EU innovative research results, policy measures and innovation publications Note that an Innovation News Center should soon gather news from different services and enable search of innovation information 10 Access to innovation news
Review latest exploitable technology Updated selection of promising technologies on a virtual marketplace Useful links and tips to ease transfers Searchable results in Business, Science and Society Multimedia and available in English, French, German, Italian & Spanish 11 Promotion of innovation & Support to technology transfer
12 Promotion of innovation & Support to technology transfer Selection based on five criteria Impact – social, economic Effect on employment Closeness to market Marketability – how likely to succeed Other factors – e.g. public profile, early indicators of success, enabling effect
13 ‘Technology Offers’ Short description structured in a journalistic style Contact details Links to technical description (RTD-Results) and project information (RTD-Projects) Obtained via TIPs from EU projects, promoted by IRC network or on-line submission directly from results owners Promotion of innovation & Support to technology transfer
14 Publish innovative information on technology Publish your innovative news, technology offers or success stories CORDIS Wire assists diffusion of technology, highlights the creation of new companies and promotes the European innovation culture Promotion of innovation & Support to technology transfer
Signposting with Innovation Relay Centers Quick review of IRCs activities, support and events Easy identification of local network A source for innovative technology Access to success stories 15 Signposting with other networks
Signposting with Incubators Easy identification of local incubators and related activities through a geographical search feature Access to descriptions of local key players and main activities Links to benchmark and case studies 16 Signposting with other networks
Signposting with IPR and Finance Helpdesks Quick access to IPR information and links to national bodies Quick access to finance and venture & seeds capital Tools for better knowledge exploitation and practical advise on business plans and related tools 17 Signposting with other networks
18 Conclusive remarks A support to the programme continuity Direct inclusion of FP6 related information in key services, e.g. policy studies, IRC gateway Easy to find funded projects under previous programmes Access to showcase and evaluation of successful projects and measures
19 A specific service for the activity Direct access to key explanations on objectives and main activities (CORDIS, IRCs) Direct access to calls and key documents A fledging interface which will follow up calls and projects and offer assistance to stakeholders Conclusive remarks