Punctuation: Titles of Work Lesson #13 Workbook page: 33
Student will practice using underlining, quotation marks, and italics (only when typing) to punctuate book titles, chapters, short stories, and poems
*Titles are capitalized (cue) *Quotation marks “words”
Today, you will be placing a comma: Underlining: book titles and books of poetry “Quotation Marks”: chapter titles and poems in a book
Lets look at some rules… Underline book titles Leaves of Grass When you are typing the book title Leaves of Grass Use quotation marks for chapter titles “Passage to India” The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a ___________ “Tom as a General” is a ____________________
My favorite book is Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’dell.
STEPS: 1. Read the sentence 2. Put your finger on the title 3. Decide what it is: the title of the book, chapter, poem, or short story 4. Underline books, poems, and short stories; Use quotation marks around titles of chapters, poems in books, or short stories On Friday, we have a test on The Perfect Day which is chapter 10 in Bridge to Terabithia.
I love the poem Granny Gooding from Jack Prelutsky’s The Frons Wore Red Suspenders. STEPS: 1. Read the sentence 2. Put your finger on the title 3. Decide what it is: the title of the book, chapter, poem, or short story 4. Underline books, poems, and short stories; Use quotation marks around titles of chapters, poems in books, or short stories
We are reading the chapter Up on Boggins Heights from The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes. STEPS: 1. Read the sentence 2. Put your finger on the title 3. Decide what it is: the title of the book, chapter, poem, or short story 4. Underline books, poems, and short stories; Use quotation marks around titles of chapters, poems in books, or short stories
The Beginning of the Armadillos is one of the stories in Rudyard Kipling’s book titled Just So Stories. STEPS: 1. Read the sentence 2. Put your finger on the title 3. Decide what it is: the title of the book, chapter, poem, or short story 4. Underline books, poems, and short stories; Use quotation marks around titles of chapters, poems in books, or short stories
1.What is the difference when you type a title compared to when you write a title.
STEPS: 1. Read the sentence 2. Put your finger on the title 3. Decide what it is: the title of the book, chapter, poem, or short story 4. Underline books, poems, and short stories; Use quotation marks around titles of chapters, poems in books, or short stories