Procedures, Rules, and Expectations Mrs. Hardin
Bellwork will be provided most days. BW will direct you where to sit. Enter QUIETLY and begin work immediately. Students not seated at the late bell will be tardy and assigned a BD. If other classes are present, YOU WILL SET THE TONE FOR A QUIET ENVIRONMENT IN WHICH HARD WORK IS DONE!
Mrs. Day will direct you to gather your materials. Do so quietly and orderly; she will probably still be talking as you do so. WRITE ASSIGNMENTS OR ACTIVITIES IN YOUR PLANNER. SHE OFTEN CHECKS! Wait on her KEY WORDS, not the bell for your exit cue “See you tomorrow” Push up chairs and gather all trash If messes are left, you will suffer the consequences as library assistants!
Work quietly Working together does not require LOUD noise. Do so quietly. SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER! RESPECT EACH MEMBER OF THE CLASS! EVERYONE HAS A PLACE IN THIS CLASS AND WILL BECOME A VALUED MEMBER OF OUR TEAM! HAVE FAITH IN ONE ANOTHER! GET ALONG and meet the above expectations, or you will be asked to see Mrs. Brindley. If you continue to cause problems, you will change classes.
NO dismissals for bathrooms! No dismissals for lockers! No dismissals for forgotten work etc. Students will ONLY BE DISMISSED (with a signed pass)FOR JOURNALISM RELATED ACTIVITIES. Return all yearbook materials to designated areas! THEY ARE EXPENSIVE!
If you are asked to leave the room by Mrs. Day, you must have a pass. You are expected to behave properly in the hallways and outside of this library at all times. If teachers, staff, or others report problems to me, you will receive a break detention. If problems continue, you will receive an office referral. Students who cannot be trusted to behave properly on journalism assignments during the school day, should not receive a high school credit for this course. Mrs. Day will request a meeting with Mrs. Brindley about a schedule change in cases such as these.
Have good manners. Dealing with professionals within the school and in the community… Proper attire Proper grammar Respectful Confident Helpful Give NGA a good name. BETTER YET GIVE YOURSELF A GOOD NAME!
Mrs. Day is the Media Specialist for all of NGA. Technology responsibilities Sales reps. Other visitors (yearbook etc.) Classes using the library You must learn to be self-motivated and flexible. ▪ Look for something that needs to be completed either on the yearbook, newspaper, other projects or assignments or in the library. Remember you are the library aids. When other classes are in the library, you will always sit in the non-fiction area near the white board. SET THE TONE FOR A QUIET ENVIRONMENT WHERE STUDENTS LEARN AND WORK HARD!
You are the NGA library assistants. Each week at least one day will be set aside for library duties. You will find a list of duties on the tables, board, or projector. No one is allowed in the workroom or behind the circulation desk/counter FOR ANY REASON WITHOUT SPECIAL PERMISSION FROM Mrs. Day. ABSOLUTELY NO STUDENTS ARE ALLOWED IN THE TEACHER RESTROOM!
BEFORE 7 th period, you must plan for end of the day dismissal. Use the restroom, get appropriate books, etc. before the late bell. You will not be allowed to go to your locker before you leave for the day. It’s a long way to BLANCHE on a bus, for instance. POTTY accordingly. You are to leave on the appropriate bell. If you are found LOLLYGAGGING in the hallway or sneaking out early, you will pay for your crime.