1.Strive to present the source or nature of broadcast news material in a way that is balanced, accurate and fair. 2.Strive to conduct themselves in a manner that protects them from conflicts of interest, real or perceived. 3.Respect the dignity, privacy and well begin of people with whom we deal 4.Recognize the need to protect confidential sources. 5.Just remember- Treat every broadcast as if your grandparents are watching CODE OF ETHICS
1.Longhorn Pride ALL THE WAY! 2.Do not run in the hallway! 3.Do not disrupt classes Ask a teacher for permission to pull a student out from class Make sure you record in a quick and timely manner Make sure that you prompt your interviewee before recording 4.Do not play around in the hallway (press pass will be revoked and paperwork will be assigned) 5.Dress appropriately! You never know when you will be on camera! Do NOT wear green when anchoring! PROFESSIONALISM
1.Credibility 2.Accuracy/the truth 3.Objectivity 4.Decency 5.Fairness 6.Attribution (plagiarism) ETHICS OF JOURNALISM TERMS
Your audience must be able to believe and trust you! Libel- you can get sued for writing things that are not correct CREDIBILITY
Close doesn’t count…partial truth doesn’t count! Names MUST be spelled exactly right, down to the middle initial (if needed). There is no such thing as a small error How would you like it if someone printed something about you that wasn’t true? ACCURACY/TRUTH
No bias (subjectivity) You must be a neutral party You cannot interject your personal feelings, likes or dislikes to color news stories This does not count toward opinion pieces OBJECTIVITY
behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability You cannot be a “shady” reporter. No one will trust you! DECENCY
Whether you like something, someone, or topic, you must treat every topic with respect and integrity Everyone in your audience- regardless of race, color, philosophy, religion, gender, age or economic status- has an equal right to fair treatment Do not apply different standards to different people or groups FAIRNESS
Plagiarism-DO NOT pass off work of others as your own. No matter how much you like someone else’s lead or phrase or story Attribution-Identify where your information came from ATTRIBUTION/PLAGIARISM
5Ws and H Who is the story about/who is involved? What is happening? When is it happening? Where is it happening? Why is it happening? How does this affect the reader? REPORTING THE NEWS