The Theme Of Older vs Younger Generation In An Inspector Calls By: Asmara Clark, mica grant, kares salih and saira rafi
Generic Questions Qu.1 – What are J.B Priestley’s views on Sheila and Eric (young generation) and how does he demonstrate his views? Qu.2 – What are J.B Priestley’s views on Mr Birling and Mrs Birling (older generation) and how does he demonstrate his views? We can answer these questions by asking other, more specific, questions about characters in the play or events that take place.
How does the extract from page 71 show the difference in reactions to the Inspector from the old generation and the young generation and what do you think Priestley is trying to show from this?
What points can we make for this question? Priestley is trying to show… Young are more impressionable Young can see a need for change Mr Birling (Older Generation) Amused by the whole situation “(amused)” Mrs Birling (Older Generation) Does not feel the need to feel sorry and wants to carry on in the same way – “Well, why shouldn’t we?” Sheila and Eric (Younger Generation) Guilt Remorse
How does the extract from page 35 show the difference in behaviour from the young and old generation? Alderman = A senior member of an English county or borough council.
Example Answer Old Joe Meggarty thinks he can get away with having low social morals and taking advantage of young girls such as Eva because of his position as a senior member of society. Perhaps he thinks no one will question him, he will be allowed to get away with his behaviour and he can continue doing what he likes in this manner. Gerald could also have thought the same thing due to being a member of the upper class and being part of a wealthy family. However, Gerald as the younger generation, treats Eva with kindness and generosity, "We had a drink or two and talked”. Eva was willing to go with a stranger and spend the night in his company. This showed that through his actions, Eva saw Gerald as someone who will not take advantage of her and as a result, she trusted him. This shows the difference in generations as Gerald is more open minded and respectful towards Eva.
How do the following two quotes show the different emotions and attitudes towards the lower class felt by the old and young generation? What do you think Priestley is trying to say about the older upper class? Arthur Birling(Older Generation) Page 15 “It’s my duty to keep labour costs down…we’d have added twelve per cent to our labour costs” Sheila Birling (Younger Generation) Page 19 “But these girls aren’t cheap labour – they’re people”
What points can we make for this question? What Priestley is trying to show about the older upper class… The older upper class want the rich to stay rich and the poor to stay poor. They only care about themselves continuing to be in a position of power and they do not care who’s lives they ruin in the process of doing this. They think that they are socially superior to those who do not share the same wealth as them. Sheila (Younger Generation) Feels Sympathy and Compassion Aware that lower class people are still human too. Mr Birling (Older Generation) Cold towards others that are not of the same class. He sees Eva, and others of the lower class, as socially inferior to him. Only wants himself and his business to succeed. Thinks that the lower class are there for the upper class to use as they please and is aware of his power and authority over Eva’s life.
What is the difference between Sheila’s reaction and emotions towards Eva’s death compared with Mrs Birling’s? Sheila Page 66 “(Flaring up) well, he inspected all right. And don’t let’s start dodging and pretending now. Between us we drove that girl to commit suicide.” “I behaved badly too. I know I did. I’m ashamed of it”. Mrs Birling Page 47 “I accept no blame for it at all”
Example Answer Mrs Birling thinks Eva is irrelevant and just a nuisance. She thinks Eva does not need help and caused her problems herself. She shows contempt for social class and is prejudiced against Eva. She is unsympathetic which is a surprise because she is a mother with a daughter of roughly same age. Sheila on the other hand is sympathetic towards her death. Before this instance, she was not aware of the reality of the lower classes. Eva’s death brought to light the ways in which she needs to change and she can now see the long term consequences of her own actions. She as the younger generation realises the way in which the upper class need to change but is held back buy her egotistical parents (Older class) who cannot see the error in their ways.
Using Mr and Mrs Birling’s quotes on pages 59 and 61, what do you think their main priorities and concerns are after the Inspector leaves? What do you think Priestley is trying to say about the older upper class? Mrs Birling – Page 59 “I must say his manner was quite extraordinary; so – so rude – and assertive” Mr Birling – Page 59 “Then look at the way he talked to me. Telling me to shut up – and so on” Mrs Birling – Page 61 “The rude way he spoke to Mr Birling and me – it was quite extraordinary”
What points can we make for this question? Mr Birling and Mrs Birling (Older Generation) Only concerned about how their family status has been ruined by the Inspector. They are egotistical. They can only see the manner they were spoken to in rather than what their actions have caused. What Priestley is trying to show about the older upper class… The older upper class only care about how they look to other people. They think they are beyond being spoken to rudely despite the consequences of their actions. They do not care about being humane to others as long as they continue to be seen as authoritative.