The open government is a system of the principles, mechanisms and tools of the governance with inclusion the citizens to participate in this process.


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Presentation transcript:

The open government is a system of the principles, mechanisms and tools of the governance with inclusion the citizens to participate in this process on the basis of transparency and the accountability of authorities’ activity, and wide use of modern information technologies and new means of communication in interaction with citizens. Methodical recommendations on implementation of the principles and mechanisms of open government in the Russian Federation. M, URL: Principles of open government: 1.Transparency of government activities; 2.Access to information; 3.Accountability and control of the authorities; 4.Involvement into civic society.

1.The development strategy of information society in the Russian Federation approved by President of Russia, February 7, 2008 No. Pr Concepts of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation for the period till 2020, approved by Government of the Russian Federation, November 17, 2008 No r 3.Government program of the Russian Federation "Information society ( )", approved by Government of the Russian Federation, October 20, 2010 No r. 4.The decree of the Russian President, February 8, 2012 N 150 "About the working group on development of proposals on formation of Open Government systems in the Russian Federation 5.The decree of the Russian President, May 7, 2012 No. 601 "About the main directions of improvement of Government system“ 6.The decree of the Russian President, May 21, 2012 No. 636 "About structure of federal executive authorities“ 7.Government commission on coordination of the open government activity was formed by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 77, July 26, Strategy of development of information technologies in Russian Federation for and till 2025, N 2036-p approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, November 1, The decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, Dec No r "About the development of procedures for providing the state and municipal services in electronic form“ 10.The federal law from 7/21/2014 N 212-FZ "About bases of public control in the Russian Federation" 11.Concept of openness of federal executive authorities, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, January 30, 2014 No. 93-r

Electronic citizen is the person of a certain country, owning ICT literacy and communication skills with representatives of authorities in the electronic environment, using the state electronic products and services, showing an active civic position for discussion of the state questions (socially important topics) in the electronic environment.

 The European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) = The International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL).  ECDL Foundation is certifying authority of the leading international computer skills certification programme, providing independent certificate.  Certificate ECDL is well known standard in Europe and USA, confirming the knowledge of computer (digital) literacy.  ECDL Foundation’s certification programmes are designed, validated, and approved by academics and industry experts from around the world and are accessible to all citizens, irrespective of age, gender, status, ability or race. It defines Quality Assurance Standards.  e-Citizen explains how to use the Internet effectively to communicate with individuals and groups, retrieve information, and access products and services.

ECDL Foundation ECDL Россия countries 14 millions of people 41 languages centers

ECDL 20 regions Trained :  more than people  distant form - more than 2.5 m. people Types of trainee:  Officials  Social workers  People working at home  Orphanage pupils  Unemployed  Rural citizens  Immigrants  Indigenous people  Disabled persons  Pensioners

Module 1: Basic skills  Computer  Files and folders  Bases of a text editor  Bases of work with the Internet browser  Bases of work with Module 2: Information search  Information search on the Internet  Information processing  Safety Module 3: Information society  Work with portals of government institutions (federal and regional)  Work with Internet shops (purchases, payment by credit cards, safety, delivery, etc.)  Communication in chats and forums  Ordering services and consultations (purchase of e-tickets, registration for flight, medical and legal advice on the Internet, distance learning) ECDL

Technological component of open government Content of modules of ECDL (e-Citizen) Social component of open government ICTModules 1: (skills that are considered essential skills) Modules 2: (wide range of Standard modules to chose from, depending on person’s needs – either at work or at home) Modules 3: (certify skills that enable to become “a power user” and perform advanced actions)  Increase of social trust and ensuring open governance  Partnership in governance  Development of civil society, citizens’ participation in democratic processes, including into a global information network  Formation of civic consciousness Government information e- resources. Federal and regional levels Government and municipal e-services

1.IFLA-2012 Satellite Conference “Information for Civic Literacy” organized by Information Literacy Section and the IFLA Africa Section through its Special Interest Group “Access to Information Network – Africa” (8-10 August 2012, Riga) 2.Round Table “Information and Civic Literacy of Society” of IFLA Forum, International Conference, the “Crimea-2013” (Sudak, 8-16 June, 2013) 3.Meeting of IFLA school libraries sessions and information literacy sessions «School libraries and information for civic literacy» (Singapore, August, 2013)

1.Law (knowledge of the constitution and the fundamental laws, awareness of the civic duty and responsibilities of a citizen) 2.Policy (knowledge of the democratic foundations of civil society, knowledge of individual rights and freedom) 3.Patriotism (love for and readiness to defend one’s own homeland, conscientious involvement in its history, responsibility for the country’s destiny) 4.Moral values (humanity, justice, truth, conscience, honor, dignity, tolerance, respect for human rights, charity, etc.).

Law Policy Moral values Patriotism

Information Literacy Media Literacy

Media literacy is a person’s ability:  to understand the role and function of mass media;  to develop critical abilities and to evaluate media content;  to use mass media for democratic participation, intercultural communication and education;  to work out personal media content (to create media products themselves);  to have information communication technologies and other media skills. Grunwald Declaration on Media education (1982) Information literacy is a person’s ability:  to comprise the competencies to recognize information needs;  to locate and evaluate the quality of information;  to store and reveal information;  to apply and create information within cultural and social contexts;  to use information for creation and knowledge exchange. The Alexandria Proclamation on Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning. “Beacons of the Information Society”, Adopted in Alexandria Library, Alexandria, Egypt, November, 9, 2005

Information Literacy Media Literacy MIL

The Curriculum concerns the current trends of convergence in radio, television, the Internet, newspapers, books, electronic archives, libraries. For the first time the single system and integrated approach to judgment of issues on media and information literacy are used. The created program takes into account the needs of teachers in order to be integrated into national programs in the different countries.

1.Information literacy 2.Library literacy 3.Freedom of expression and information literacy 4.Digital literacy 5.Computer literacy 6.Internet literacy 7.Games literacy 8.Cinema literacy 9.Television literacy 10. News literacy 11. Advertising literacy 12. Media literacy

 Active citizenship  Citizenship  Civilian position  Citizenship / civic responsibility  Citizen journalism  Participation (civic participation)  Democracy  Governance  Good governance  Poor governance  Self-regulation  Copyright  Human rights  Diversity  Equality  Racism  Sexism  Pluralism (media pluralism)  Freedom of speech  Freedom of expression  Freedom of the press  Freedom of information  Public interest  Public domain information

 Understand the role and functions of media in democratic societies  Engage with media for self-expression and democratic participation  Understand the conditions under which media can fulfill their functions  Evaluate critically the media content in the light of media functions  Review the skills (including ICT skills) needed to produce user-generated content  Define and articulate information needs  Locate and access information  Assess information  Organize information  Make ethical use of information  Communicate information  Use ICT skills for information processing

 Concept “Personal Information Culture”  Principles of information education (training)  Training course “Basics of personal information culture”

Информационная грамотность Информационное мировоззрение Media and Information literacy - Acquiring information - Information evaluation - Information use Personal Information Culture Personal culture Culture - Information outlook - Motivation

Section I. Information Resources of Society Section II. The main types of information retrieval tasks and algorithms for their solution Section III. Analytic-synthetic processing of information sources Section IV. The technology of making of information products

Invariant Part Part I. Information resources of society and information and information culture Part II. Basics types of information and search tasks and decision algorithm Part III. Analytical and synthetical information processing Part IV. Technology of information products Variable part Age School College University Profession Social group Information needs

Part I. “Information resources of society and information culture” Media information. Media resources E-resources of open government Concepts “media”, “media- information”, “mass-media”, “media-text”. Media texts in the structure of web-sites and web-sites. Media texts in social networks. The official sites of authorities (legislative, executive, judicial): federal and regional levels. The websites (portals) promoting development of citizens' initiative and electronic democracy: “The Russian public initiative” “Demokrator” “The active citizen” United portal of electronic democracy in the Russian Federation Portal of state services The websites on socially significant topics:

Part II. “Main types of information retrieval tasks and algorithms of their decision” Search algorithms of media information Search algorithms of e-resources of open government Algorithm of search of media texts on the Internet. Search of images, music and videos. Safe search of media information on the Internet. Search of media information on a social network. Rules of safe behavior using social networks. Algorithm of search on the official authority sites (legislative, executive, judicial) at the federal and regional levels. Features of information search on the websites promoting development of citizens' initiative and electronic democracy and the websites on socially significant topics.

Part III. “Analytical and synthetical information processing” Analysis of media information. Critical analysis of media texts Analysis of information from official sites of authorities and from other socially important Internet resources Media text: types, properties. Media text means of expression. Concepts “implication”, “context”, “fact“, “opinion”, “interpretation”. Analysis of the media text. Algorithm of decoding of media information. Concepts “manipulation”, “critical analysis”, “critical thinking”. Technique of the critical analysis of the media text. Advertizing as a type of the media text. Critical analysis of an advertisement. The analysis of information on the official sites of authorities. The critical analysis of information on the websites promoting development of citizens' initiative and electronic democracy and the websites on socially significant topics Estimated procedures as instruments of civil influence and control of authorities activity:  online discussions  online control

Part IV. “Technology of information products” Media productsE-products and services of open government Technology of development of media products. Methods for visualization of information. The transfer of text information into visual. Preparation of the poster, video card, video, multimedia presentation. Role of audio information, selection of music for a media product. Electronic correspondence. Using the . Receiving the state and municipal e-services by filling the forms, questionnaires, applications. Using the Internet in everyday life for purchasing and services, obtaining necessary information in education, health, business, communication, etc. Interaction with authorities of a particular citizen by means of the Internet through the system of complaints and proposals. Wishes of citizens: electronic vote, electronic petitions, referenda, polls, competitions of ideas, etc. Communication in chats and forums on socially important topics.

Parts of the course «Basics of personal information culture» Information resources Search algorithm information Analysis and synthesis of information Information products and services Principles of open government: Clearness and transparency of the authorities Access to information Accountability and control of the authorities Involvement into civic society

 Authorities  Scientific institutions  Educational institutions  Libraries  Professional associations  Public organizations  Mass media

Teacher (educator) Systematic impact on students as a authoritative and competent leader of education process Librarian Knowledge of information resources, search methods, analysis and systematization of information

 Domination of technocratic approach, imbalance of technical, social and humanitarian components.  Narrowing of idea of the open government, violation of the principle “involvement into civil society”.  Disruption of communication between education of “e-citizen” and development of civil society in Russia.  Lack of communication with a national education system (schools, colleges, Universities) and system of public (school, high school, etc.) libraries which are engaged in information education and training.  Decrease of attention to the critical analysis and an assessment of information.

 Scientific researches on integration of separate knowledge in the sphere of information, civic and media education for formation of “e-citizen”.  Development of priority national and regional programs on MIL and information culture.  Development of national standards of MIL and information culture.  Inclusion of MIL and information culture in educational programs (all stages of education).