February 08th, 2013 SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth WELCOME! Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science Enlisting Youth in Preventing Crashes: experiences in Bulgaria
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth Road safety Tools Sample projects WHAT FOLLOWS? Open Youth & Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science Fulbright
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth Road safety Tools Sample projects Source: MI, WB 2007 April 27, 2007 First European Road Safety Day A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth Road safety Tools Sample projects People aged killed in road accidents, for each hour and day of the week. A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Sample projects Source: MI, WB DPMBGNL Annual % change A taste of science Road safety Tools 2008 = USD loss = 1.5 % of the Bulgarian GDP
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth Sample projects Difference with killed 901killed - 38% killed 775 killed - 27% killed Difference with 2009 Young people (15-24) 220killed 190killed - 45% killed 133 killed - 37% killed Total killed 120 killed - 15% killed Difference with % killed % Source: MI A taste of science Road safety Tools
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/ DPM: 89 Population in 2011: Fatalities in 2011: 657 Sample projects Source: MI, WB DPMBGNL Annual % change A taste of science Road safety Tools
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth Sample projects Difference with killed 901killed - 38% killed 775 killed - 27% killed Difference with 2009 Young people (15-24) 220killed 190killed - 45% killed 133 killed - 37% killed Total killed 120 killed - 15% killed Difference with % killed % Source: MI A taste of science 2012 = 599 Road safety Tools
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth Sample projects “Young people aged between 18 and 25 are over-represented in road traffic fatalities. In 2010: fatalities in road accidents took place. -19% of these involved young people between 18 and 25 years old. -In 40 % of fatal accidents a young driver was involved. -25% of fatalities involving car drivers are young people - 81% boys and 19% girls. - Road fatalities of young people per transport mode: 66% passenger cars, 20% powered two wheelers, 2% pedestrians, 8% pedal cyclists, 4% others ( HGV, bus …)” * EC Vice President,Siim Kallas, responsible for Transport A taste of science Road safety Tools
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth What would have greatest effect in the short term towards reduction of the number of victims on the road? Possible answers: а) increase of fines б) preventive campaigns в) rewriting of the traffic laws г) nothing can be changed д) don’t know A taste of science Road safety Tools Sample projects
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth TRAFFIC PARTICIPANT LEARNING PROCESS Driving license Penalties A taste of science Road safety Tools Sample projects
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth What would have greatest effect in the long term towards reduction of the number of victims on the road? Possible answers: а) increase of fines б) preventive campaigns в) rewriting of the traffic laws г) nothing can be changed д) don’t know A taste of science Road safety Tools Sample projects
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth TRAFFIC PARTICIPANT LEARNING PROCESS Driving license Penalties A taste of science Road safety Tools Sample projects
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth Do preventive campaigns have an effect on the drivers perceptions? Possible answers: а) yes б) no A taste of science Road safety Tools Sample projects
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth FUN INTERACTIVE PEER-MANAGED A taste of science Road safety Tools Sample projects
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth DRIVING SIMULATOR A taste of science Road safety Tools Sample projects
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth ALCOGOGGLES A taste of science Road safety Tools Sample projects
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth DISTRACT A MATCH A taste of science Road safety Tools Sample projects
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth FATAL REFLEXIONS A taste of science Road safety Tools Sample projects
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth ECO-DRIVER A taste of science Road safety Tools Sample projects
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth WEIGHT SCALE A taste of science Road safety Tools Sample projects
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science AVENUEDRHEROESTEN DENWA300
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth 2008 Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Sofia, Plovdiv AVENUEDRHEROESTEN DENWA Ruse, Veliko Tarnovo, Gabrovo, Sliven, Burgas 2010 Targovishte, Razgrad, Shumen, Silistra, Dobrich 2011 Sofia, Pleven, Ruse, Varna, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth 13 partners / 11 countries AVENUEDRHEROESTEN DENWA300 One out of 13 best European cross-fertilized actions comes to Bulgaria DRIVERESPONSIBLY + + Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth AVENUEDRHEROESTEN DENWA actions / 6 cities / 1130 questionnaires Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth 2008 European Night Without Accident clubs (Vidin and Vratsa) 158 participants 1 club (Vidin) 35 participants clubs (Targovishte, Razgrad, Silistra and Dobrich) 195 participants clubs (Vidin) 71 participants AVENUEDRHEROESTEN DENWA300 Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth AVENUEDRHEROESTEN DENWA300 Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth 12 cities / events 121 trained volunteers direct participants indirectly reached 95% + from volunteers 82% + direct participants Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science AVENUEDRHEROESTEN DENWA300 Volunteer! …through road safety.
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth PUBLIC INTEREST participants on the alcogoggles 672 questionnaires 436 simulator participants participants on the alcogoggles 1008 questionnaires 805 simulator participants Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth 13 newspapers 15 TV 17 radio 106 internet TOTAL 1 52 MEDIA INTEREST 22 newspapers 14 TV 23 radio 119 internet TOTAL 178 Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth RECOGNITION Ministry of transport, information technologies and communications Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth Bulgarian Annual Tools Awards RECOGNITION Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth Difference with killed 901killed - 38% killed 775 killed - 27% killed Difference with 2009 Young people (15-24) 220killed 190killed - 45% killed 133 killed - 37% killed Total killed 120 killed - 15% killed Difference with % killed % Source: MI Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth A taste of SCIENCE! Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
N (%) Age I quartileMedianIII quartile Male3316 (68%) Female1533 (32%) Overall sample SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth I RT testII RT test Country Belgium-Neth.1.03(1;1.06)0.98(0.95;1) Bulgaria0.71(0.69;0.73)0.69(0.68;0.71) Italy0.65(0.63;0.67)0.66(0.64;0.68) Poland0.60(0.57;0.65)0.62(0.61;0.65) Spain0.75(0.72;0.78)0.69(0.66;0.73) Overall0.73(0.72;0.74) (4606)0.72(0.71;0.73) (3100) I Alcohol testII Alcohol test Country Belgium-Neth.0.29(0.26;0.32)0.42(0.38;0.47) Bulgaria0.18(0.16;0.2)0.45(0.43;0.48) Italy0.22(0.19;0.24)0.36(0.33;0.39) Poland0.44(0.41;0.47)0.72(0.68;0.76) Spain0.45(0.42;0.47)0.53(0.47;0.6) Overall 0.32(0.3;0.33) (4808)0.5(0.48;0.52) (3226) Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth Variation of reaction time for alcohol intake variation Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth FULBRIGHT ICT in road safety and innovative youth work Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth Aim The aim of the research is to study the newest developments in road safety related ICT and to explore the opportunities for their practical use in voluntary youth work both in US and EU. Objectives To check the latest road safety ICT developments, available in the US market; To assess their usability for voluntary youth work; To check the attitudes of local volunteers for the use of such ICT; To explore the US practices of building partnerships and attracting sponsorship for obtaining those ICT. Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth The Drive Square Simulation System™ Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth The Blue Tiger Motion Simulator Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth The academic year Fulbright awards competition opened on February 1, Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science
SafeTREC, ITS, University of California, Berkeley, 02/08/2013 Daniel Vankov Open Youth THANK YOU! Road safety Tools Sample projects A taste of science