Faye Mayo-Fedd EDU 692: Creativity, Culture and Global Contexts in Education Decision Making Dr. Amy Gray November 22, 2015
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
The University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration is dedicated to working toward a more just and humane society through research, teaching, and service to the community. As one of the oldest and most highly regarded graduate schools of social work, SSA prepares professionals to handle society's most difficult problems by developing new knowledge, promoting a deeper understanding of the causes and human costs of social inequities, and building bridges between rigorous research and the practice of helping individuals, families, and communities to achieve a better quality of life. The School and its culture exhibit five unique hallmarks that distinguish us as one of the premier schools of social work leading the field into the future.
The campus of University of Chicago is located in urban area of the city, in an are known as Hyde Park. Hyde Park is noted for its vas array of cultural aspects which provide the students with enriching life experiences. The curriculum includes core classes, but also focuses on social issues, cultural, religious, international and the arts. The student population is very diverse, in culture, ethnicity, religion, social economic backgrounds, gender, linguistically, The content of community activities, the students volunteer theirs services working on community projects, social injustices to name a few. The art programs focus on a variety of disciplines, music, art museum, oriental studies, renaissance society, smart technology, theater. The teachers are engaged in preparing the students to be able to handle social issues, by instilling a clear and precise understanding of the social inequities which affect the community.
At Meadowview School, we believe that every child can and will learn. With that belief, we strive to offer each child an academic program that addresses his/ her specific needs in a way that encourages and incorporates hands-on, active, engaged learning. We seek to provide an atmosphere that is nurturing, supportive, and conducive to learning. Above all, we recognize that each child is a unique, important individual.
The Meadowview Elementary School is located Dekalb County, which is suburb of Atlanta, Georgia. One of the schools strongest points is that it is a nurturing environment, with a staff who engages the students to be creative. The bridge between the schools and the community is a prime factor of the success of Dekalb County school system. Meadowview’s curriculum focuses on instructional programs which start at Early Childhood Programs. In school year, the school adopted Curriculum, Instruction, Assessssment, & Professional Learning Program (CIAPL). This new curriculum comes in line with the Common Core Standards Initiative. This program ensures and validates the all students are mastering their learning skills. The addition of CIAPL, added to the core classes subjects which included, specialize math, and English, language arts, science, social studies, world language, music (choral/instrumental) visual arts, dance, theater, health, physical education and career technology. The curriculum not only focus on the needs of the students but the teachers as well. Programs which addresses resources afforded to teach and expand their skills on engaging with the student population.
At Acton Elementary School our students are excited collaborative learners who are encouraged by home, school, and community. As leaders, they are confident they will graduate well prepared to meet the challenges and high expectations of the 2Ist century. As successful, life-long learners, they work to their fullest potential to make a positive difference in the community and in their future paths.
Begin a Hero's Journey Learn to be a curious, independent, lifelong learner. Develop a deep respect for economic, political and religious freedoms. Cherish the arts, wonders of the physical world and the mysteries of life on Earth. Discover his or her most precious gifts and learn to use them to solve difficult problems
The Acton Academy is located in Austin, Texas. The concept of the school is integration of students of all grades, subjects, learning, building of a support system among the students of collaboration. It is a multicultural environment whereby everyone is consider equal. This equality creates the foundation for equity. The teaching concept is based on identifying what the student knows, and what they need to know. This allows the guide to target the meaning point of intervention, and ultimately improve the student outcome. The teachers are considered as guides to the future and success of the students. The concept of the school addresses the student as a whole, which means it not only address their learning processes but socially, culturally, physical and ensuring that these students are educated to be the future leaders enterpeuars, business leaders. T he bridge between the school and the community span from the fairs which the students are afforded the opportunity to not only display their creative talents but to set up booths to sell their creations. The student body being integrated is that of a family culture. It is a culture that learning is more than a textbook, but of building a strong character. The children are taught the commitment, hard work and discipline lead toward their goal of achievement of being a hero. The concept of the Acton Academy is similar to that of High Tech High, the method of studying is also identified with their usage of programs from the Khan Academy. This is not a school based on the concept of just sitting in the classroom and listening to a lecture, its about being creative, learning, going outside the normal regimes of the classroom, because the students control the flow of learning in the non traditional classroom.
Public schools are intimately linked with communities. They serve as centers of learning. They employ residents, and they connect neigh- bors with one another. As place-based institutions, they are part of a neighborhood’s physical fabric, impacting local housing markets and influencing the aesthetic character of a community. Moreover, public schools have access to a myriad of local resources including funding, land, and political goodwill. Given the central role that public schools play in communities, community development practitioners are beginning to consciously include them in neighborhood building and economic development efforts.
Connie Chung is the author of “Using Public Schools as Community Development Tools: Strategies for Community-Based Developers” (2002) Pearson Foundation (2009, July 17). 21st Century skills culture at High Tech High. [Video file].Retrieved from 21st Century skills culture at High Tech High