THE MAN GOD CHOSE TO RAISE HIS SON Insights from the character of Joseph.


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Presentation transcript:

THE MAN GOD CHOSE TO RAISE HIS SON Insights from the character of Joseph

Joseph’s character is seen in his reaction to Mary’s pregnancy. He was righteous or just, not sinful and immoral He was righteous or just, not sinful and immoral He was merciful and compassionate, not harsh and judgmental. He was merciful and compassionate, not harsh and judgmental. He was unquestioning and obedient, not faithless and rebellious. He was unquestioning and obedient, not faithless and rebellious. He was pure and self-controlled, not lustful and intemperate. He was pure and self-controlled, not lustful and intemperate.

Joseph’s character is further seen in the birth of Jesus He honored the authority of government in obeying the law of land (Lk. 2:4-5) He honored the authority of government in obeying the law of land (Lk. 2:4-5) He honored God’s word in the naming of Jesus (Lk. 2:21) He honored God’s word in the naming of Jesus (Lk. 2:21) He led his family in the worship of God (Lk. 2:22) He led his family in the worship of God (Lk. 2:22)

Joseph’s character is seen in the threat upon the family by Herod. He used a cautious and reasonable approach to danger, not an egotistical and unreasonable challenging of reality. He used a cautious and reasonable approach to danger, not an egotistical and unreasonable challenging of reality. He made decisions with the Lord’s guidance, not by his own self- determination. He made decisions with the Lord’s guidance, not by his own self- determination.

Joseph would not have been the world's pick for "man of the year”, but he was a great man in God's sight! He had all the spiritual strengths to lead and direct his family and to raise the Christ.

Young men…. Aspire to be a real man!

Women…. If you have such a husband be grateful for him.

Children… Respect and love you father if he seeks to protect you from moral danger and guide you in what is right.