Bullying, Harassment, & Discrimination WPMS Media Center 2/22/2010
General Assembly Adopted School Violence Prevention Act The act is in effect for the school year PCS BOE adopted the following policies on 12/31/2009 #1710/4021/7230 Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying
Percentage of Students Affected by Violence in Schools 2007 U.S. Schools Assaults1.2 % Serious Violent Crime0.4 % Theft3 % Bullying32.2 %
Forms of Bullying Direct/Physical Indirect/Emotional Cyberbullying (cell phones, internet, & sexting)
Bullying/Harassing Defined PCS- Bullying is defined as any overt act, verbal or physical by a student or group of students directed against another student with the intent to ridicule, humiliate, or intimidate the other student while on school grounds or at a school sponsored activity, including on school buses.
Bullying/Harassing Defined cont. Places a student or staff member in actual or reasonable fear of harm Creates a hostile environment Conduct is objectively severe or pervasive enough that a reasonable person would agree that it was bullying/harassing
Bullying or Harassing Acts against: Race Color Religion Ancestry National Origin Gender Socioeconomic Status Academic Status Gender Identity Physical Appearance Sexual Orientation Mental, physical, developmental, or sensory disability An association of a person with these characteristics
CyberBullying Bullying/Harassment through cyberspace(internet) or cellphones (texting or sexting) Can be charged against a student even if it occurs off-campus, if the act causes severe emotional stress to the victim and/or a disruption to the learning environment.
Other Provisions No student or school employee shall be subjected to bullying or harassing behavior by school employees or students There shall be no retaliation or reprisal against a victim, witness, or any person with information about an act.
Reporting Bullying/Harassment All school employees that have witnessed an act of bullying/harassment must report it to the appropriate school official A student or volunteer should report the act to the appropriate school official(anonymously in boxes outside of door) Parent, teacher, counselor, & administration contact via , phone, or letter
Combating Bullying & Harassment Smorgasbord Programs of Mrs. Cherry & Ms. Gravatt PCS Code of Conduct: BOE # 6432” Consequences- level 2-6; from mediation to OSS; OSS the double ISS Pender County Sheriff’s Department
Bullying, Harassment, & Discrimination Questions???????