1 ST GRADE BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT Welcome to Ms. Hach’s room, 120
EXPECTATIONS Come ready to learn Bring supplies every day
DISCIPLINE/MANAGEMENT Clip chart-up for good behavior, down for making bad choices. Sign daily note in the green homework folder Ms. Barnes-ISS Write ups/discipline referrals for major behavior
DAILY SCHEDULE 9:10-9:30 Morning Work 9:30-11:00 Reading Block 11:00-11:30 Writing Block 11:30-12:00 Reading stations 12:00-12:30 Lunch 12:30-1:00 Recess 1:00-2:00 Math Block (times may vary due to special area classes) 2:00-3:00 Science Block (times may vary due to special area classes) 3:00-3:30 SOAR-small group intervention period 3:30-3:45 Dismissal
HOMEWORK INFORMATION Math Monday-Thursday Reading log every week due on Fridays, can be turned in earlier Spelling contract every week due on Fridays (starting in a few weeks) Homework must be completed nightly or some recess will be lost
PARTIES Snacks for any kind of party MUST BE individually wrapped. (Please do not send cupcakes!) We are a peanut free classroom, so be considerate We will have a fall, Hundreds Day, winter, and Valentine’s Day party. Information will go home before parties for volunteers and/or donations
EMERGENCY CARDS If you haven’t already, please turn in the white emergency cards to the office as soon as possible.
MEDICATION FORMS If your child takes medicine at school, please fill out the forms and return them as soon as possible!
MEDIA RELEASE Reverse waiver Please sign only if you would not like your child’s picture taken during school
TITLE 1 PARENT COMPACT Title 1 Parent Compacts need to be signed and turned in to the office There is a table located near the office with the forms
PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION There will be a sign up for the PTA for parents who are interested near the office