Community & Parental Involvement Opportunities Donna Independent School District
Introduction 1234 Superintendent’s Advisory Council Site Based Decision Making Committees Parent Teacher Organizations Community Advisory 56 Why Participate? Contact Information
Superintendent’s Advisory Council Membership PTO President and 1 other member from each campus Principal from hosting campus Superintendent
Superintendent’s Advisory Council Agendas & Procedures Council sets the agenda Any council member may add an agenda item, one week before scheduled meeting Council meets on the 3 rd Thursday of each month at 4:30 pm
District Decision Making Committee Membership 1 teacher from each campus site-based committee 1 administrator from each campus 1 Director from each administrative department Asst. Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Asst. Superintendent for Business & Finance Asst. Superintendent for Support Services High school student council president, 4 other council members 3 parents (1-elementary, 1 middle school and 1 high school) 2-3 community members
Site Based Decision Making Committees Membership – each campus 1 teacher from each department/grade level Dean of Instruction 1 assistant principal 1 counselor Police officer 1 parent 1 community member
Campus Parent Teacher Organizations Membership 1 teacher from each department/grade level 1 parent from each department/grade level 1 counselor 1 campus administrator
Community Advisory Committee Purpose Foster communication and collaboration between members of the community and school district administration Membership 6 community/business members 3 parents (from elementary, middle and high school) Superintendent 2 Asst. Superintendents
Why participate? Assist in improving district and campus environment Provide a positive role model to your children Become informed about your child’s school and education Develop positive relationships between school district, parents and community.
References Epstein, J. (2001). School Family and Communiy Partnerships (2nd). Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Pattonville School District. (2009). In District Advisory Councils. Retrieved October 14, 2010, from Texas Classroom Teacher's Association. (2010). In District site-based decision committees. Retrieved October 14, 2010, from