1. Mangala-charanam Namas te guru-devaya Sarva-siddhi pradayine Sarva mangala rupaya Sarvananda vidhayine Om ajnana timiranthasya Jnananjana salakaya Caksur unmilitam yena Tasmai sri gurave namah
2 Maha Mantra and Kirtan…. Harer Nama Harer Nameva Kevalam Kalau Nasty Eva Nasty Eva Nasty Eva Gatir Anyatha (Brhan Naradiya Purana ) “In this age of Kali there is no other means, no other means, no other means of self-realization than chanting the holy name, chanting the holy name, chanting the holy name of Lord Hari.” Hare krsna hare krsna Krsna krsna hare hare Hare rama hare rama Rama rama hare hare
3. Review Last Week Homework 1. Sentence on Lord Narasimha Deva 2. Four Vedas 3. Author of Vedas 4. Sloka Memorization
4. Hari Bhajan Namas Te Narasiḿhāya Prahlādā hlāda-dāyine Hiraṇyakaśi Purvakṣaḥa Silā-Tańka-Nakhālaye Ito Naṛasiḿhaḥ Parato Narạsiḿho Yato Yato Yāmi Ta To Narạsiḿhaḥ Bahir Narạsiḿho Hṛdaye Narạsiḿho Naṛa Simham-ādiḿ Saraṇaḿ Prapadye Tava Kara-Kamala-Vare Nakham Adbhuta-Srịńgaḿ Dalita-Hiraṇya-kaśipu-Tanu-Bhṛńgam Keśava Dhṛta-Narahari-Rūpa Jaya Jagadīśa Hare
4. Hari Bhajan 1. Murali krishna mukunda krishna Mohana krishna krishna krishna 2.Gopi krishna gopala krishna Govardhana dhara krishna krishna 3.Radha krishna bala krishna Rasa vilola krishna krishna 4.Amrta krishna ananda krishna Sri madhusudhana krishna krishna Hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare Hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
5. Hari Katha Lord Narasimhadeva Prahalada Hiranya-Kasippu Brahma
5. Hari Katha (contd) 1.No death by being created by you (Brahma) 2.No death inside residence or outside residence 3.No death during day or night 4.No death on the ground or in the sky 5.No death by any weapon 6.No death by human or animal 7.No death using dead (non-living) or living parts 8.Not to be killed by demons, devas or snakes
6. Ishta Ganam (By Children)
7. Vedic Wisdom Body, Mind, Intelligence BODY Material. Changes at every birth Dies when the soul leaves the body Made of: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether MIND In subtle body. Attached with five senses (Smell, Taste, Sight, Touch, Sound) Indriyas: Nose, Tongue, Eye, Skin, Ear INTELLIGENCE In subtle body. Thinking and using logic. FALSE EGO The false thinking that we are the body
7. Vedic Wisdom (contd) Soul & Super Soul SOUL Also called Atma. We are all jiva souls. Every living being is a Soul. Soul Never dies. Soul cannot be destroyed by any means. Souls do not have beginning or ending (eternal) SUPER SOUL Called Paramatma. Each soul has super soul in it. Paramatma is a form of God Himself. Paramatma is neutral to all living beings Bestows souls’ Karmic results. Not affected by sorrows or happiness of soul In deep meditation yogies can see Paramatma
8. Sloka To Memorize D-5 (Brhan Naradiya Purana ) Harer Nama Harer Nameva Kevalam Kalau Nasty Eva Nasty Eva Nasty Eva Gatir Anyatha
9. Multimedia Dharshan Sri Ananda Tirtha (Madhvacharya) – Episodes 22, 23, 24
1.Hari haraya namah krsna yadavaya namaha Yadavaya madhavaya kesavaya namah 2.Gopala govinda rama sri madhusudana Giri-dhari gopinatha madana mohana 3.Ananda bolo hari bhaja vrindavana Sri-guru vaisnava pade majaiya mana 4.Sri-guru vaisnava pada padma kari asa Nama sankirtana kahe narottama dasa Hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare Hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare 10. Hari Bhajan/Katha/Project/Test
11. Homework 1. Study Vedic Visdom part and Answer the Test. Bring here next week. 2. Memorize the Sloka (D-5) 3. If you can sing a bhajan, practice the song
12. Dhvani and Arati Om purnamadah purnamidam purnat purnam-udacyate Purnasya purnamadaya purnameva vasisyate Om santih santih santih Hari hi om