The Bronze Serpent Numbers 21:4-9, John 3:14-15, 2 Cor 5:20-21 The Bronze Serpent points to punishment for sin (Num. 21:4-9) The Israelites were forced to choose between the REALITY of God’s Promise (Living by Faith) and the FEAR of what they see (Living by Sight). For a Christian, it is sinful to ignore the promise of GOD, and go their own way.
Living in the “Promise of God’s Goodness” requires us to TRUST that God is always taking us in a direction that is BEST. This requires that we “wait on the Lord” and have patience to see it through and grow our faith. The Israelites exhibited IMPATIENCE, and spoke out against the leadership and counsel of GOD and his appointed Leader. In response to their rebellion, God acted quickly in punishment in their circumstances…..and he sent poisonous snakes as judgement for their sin.
The Bronze Serpent Points to Christ’s Rescue From Sin Gospel of John 3:14-15 Ideas expressed in this passage: 1.) It is a foreshadowing of what Jesus would do on the cross. 2.) The Greek word for “Lifted Up” means to EXALT. He would be exalted before the nations. 3.) Gaze on the serpent, and be cured of snake-bite, Believe in Jesus and LIVE ETERNALLY…!!
The Bronze Serpent Points to the Foundation for Mission (2 Cor
Christ Connection: Just as the Israelites looked upon the bronze serpent lifted high on the pole and were healed, so also we look with faith upon Jesus Christ lifted high on the cross and are saved from the punishment of our sin.