Remarkable Snakes Presented By Jimmy Moore two headed snake
The Epic World Of Snakes
A Snakes Behaviors They don’t have feet so they slither around which helps them get around larger objects. All snakes in the world are carnivores no snake is a herbivore. Snakes can eat slugs up to adult chickens and maybe even baby goats! Some snakes have 2 heads! No wonder snakes are so dangerous! Hawaii snake
A Snakes Venom A snakes venom is modified saliva that thy use to capture there prey. The snakes venom glands are located at the top back of there head. The snakes venom glands store saliva then modify it to become poison. A snakes teeth use the poison to capture there prey and there teeth can regrow! I don’t want to get bit by a poisonous snake! snakes vangs
A Snakes Eye Sight Some snakes have binocular eyesight. Some snakes have thermal eyesight so that they can see the hot and the cold and the moving bugs! Very few snakes cant see at all. a snakes eyes
The Places Snakes Live Snakes live in all places except Antarctica and in the sky unless there on a airplane! Some snake where even found in the Atlantic ocean and pacific ocean. They where even found in the Indian Ocean. they are usually found on land usually in New Zealand and in Ireland!
Snakes Size The smallest snake is 10 cm-long! The largest snake is the Python. The Python can get up to 6.95 meters long!
References Sweazey, Davy. Ball Pythons. Minneapolis. Bell Weather Media inc, 2014 Print “Snake-Wikapedia.” Wikapedia. web. 10 March Htpps://