HOW WOULD HIS DISCIPLES FEEL? Think about what they have just been through... Three years of the most amazing adventure they had ever lived Then it all SEEMS to have been shattered Then He comes back to life and they have to face Him with their weakness Then He forgives them---what does this mean? Then He goes away least from their sight Their friendship SEEMS to be over
BUT THERE IS MORE TO THE STORY... What did Jesus promise before He ascended? Matthew 28:20 How does He fulfill this promise? A little humorous look at the rest of the story...humorous
ACTS OF THE APOSTLES What is this book? A history of early Church A theology of the early Church - purpose: report events which reveal God's saving plan for us. Theme Demonstrates fulfillment of Jesus' prediction prior to His Ascension: "You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth." (Acts 1:8)
KEY POINTS Chapter 1 Apostles were told to remain in Jerusalem until________ Mission ________________________ Jesus' Ascension: they saw Him ascend, they were told by angels He would come again. Apostles prayed to Holy Spirit and drew lots to choose Judas' successor from among those w/them from beginning. Why? What was his name?
KEY POINTS Chapter 2 Rushing wind and tongues of flame descended on apostles and they began to preach the Gospel-- all understood in native tongues. Peter boldly preached and 3000 were baptized Peter preached of Jesus as Messiah, eternal sin, resurrection (KERYGMA) Early Christians shared all things in common, followed teaching of apostles, prayed and broke bread together What does that sound like?
KEY POINTS Chapter 3 Peter healed the beggar in Jesus' name. What does this prove? Chapter 4 Peter and John are _________ for preaching in Jesus' name Sanhedrin are afraid they will lose Jews to this new sect When Peter and John are told not to preach in Jesus' name, what do they say?
KEY POINTS Chapter 5 Annanias and Sapphira lied about how much their property sold for, so they suffered death. Apostles were arrested again for preaching about Jesus An angel led apostles out of prison Apostles were let off because Gamaliel warned this might be of God and Sanhedrin may find themselves fighting God. What did Gamaliel say would prove if it is true or not?