FISCO2 – Financial and Scientific Coordination Work Package dedicated to ENSAR2 management WP leader: Ketel Turzó WP deputy: Sandrine Dubromel ENSAR2 Management Group: Coordinator: Muhsin N. Harakeh Deputy Coordinator: Marek Lewitowicz Manager: Ketel Turzó Administrative assistant: Sandrine Dubromel Financial officer: Véronique Vandevoorde Impact studies: Sabrina Lecerf-Rossard
Organisation of ENSAR2
FISCO2 – Financial and Scientific Coordination Task 1 - Management Administration and financial management. Preparation of Grant Agreement/ Consortium Agreement/ ENRI Agreement. Facility Coordination Group of ENSAR2 research infrastructures. Organise meetings of the consortium. Represent the project. Task 2 - Studies and reporting Perform impact studies on ENSAR2 research infrastructures Coordinate the reporting work. Task 3 - Dissemination and Exploitation of results Web Site: in collaboration with NuPECC. Capitalise knowledge, and diffuse scientific knowledge. Communicate results. Exploit results. Promote ENSAR2 training activities
FISCO2 – Financial and Scientific Coordination Facility Coordination Group & ENRI agreement Update of the ENRI (ENSAR Research Infrastructures) agreement - continuation of Facility Coordination Group: representatives from the new ENSAR2 research infrastructures (lab directors and PAC chairs) one representative of the small-scale facilities that are partners in ENSAF NA. FCG will activate and promote access to the joint ENSAR2 facilities. FCG aims to coordinate and harmonise these infrastructures between them in regard to scientific programmes and proposals for access.
Organisation of ENSAR2
FISCO2 – Financial and Scientific Coordination Deliverables D1.1 Dissemination (report) – M12 D1.2 Facility Coordination Group (report) – M24 D1.3 Impact studies (report) – M36 D1.4 Nuclear Physics in European Research Area (report) – M48 Milestone MS1: start of the impact studies - M18
PRE-FINANCING Total budget for ENSAR2: € To share between 30 beneficiaries Pre-financing: When? March 27 th, at the latest. How much: € € (Guarantee fund) = € Proposed distribution: each partner institution receives 32,5% of its share. Remaining budget: intermediate payments when the periodic report is validated.
REPORTING slides from EC
How to – IT tools Continuous reporting module Periodic reporting module Project starts Project ends End period 1 End period 2 Periodic Continuous Reporting Module Final March 1st, 2016August 30th, 2017February 28th, 2019February 29th, 2020
Continuous reporting module Continuous reporting module (activated at the time project starts) Publishable summary Submit deliverables Report progress in achieving milestones Follow up critical risks Questionnaire on horizontal issues Publications Communications activities Rest of questionnaire on horizontal issues 10
Periodic reporting module Periodic reporting module (Activated after the end of each reporting period) Beneficiaries complete on-line the financial statements including explanations on the use of resources. Coordinator uploads the Part B of the periodic technical report (narrative part). 11 At the time the coordinator submits the periodic report, the IT tool will capture the information from the continuous reporting module in order to generate automatically the Part A of the Periodic report. Make sure the information in the continuous reporting module is complete and up-to-date before the periodic report is 'locked for review'. Automatic activation except if an amendment is on-going or a previous periodic report is still open.
Reporting Periodic reporting Part A (online): publishable summary work performed since the beginning of the project progress beyond the state of the art compilation of continuous reporting transnational access Part B (to be uploaded): narrative part that includes explanations of the work carried out by the beneficiaries during the reporting period.
13 Log on to the Participant Portal. IT Tool for reporting
14 Go to “My Projects” section. Then click on MP icon so to reach Participant Portal Grants Management Services.
15 Continuous Reporting Module
Publishable Summary 16 Continuous Reporting Current view All fields are mandatory. Strongly recommended to upload at least one image under "Publishable Summary's associated images".
The status of the deliverable is 'Pending' when a deliverable hasn't been uploaded yet. When the status is displayed with a red background ( ) this means that the estimated delivery date has passed. If the deliverable’s estimated delivery date falls in a given reporting period and the deliverable is not submitted here on time, before the periodic report is "Locked for review", participants will be asked to justify the delay (in the Periodic Reporting module). The status of the deliverable is 'Pending' when a deliverable hasn't been uploaded yet. When the status is displayed with a red background ( ) this means that the estimated delivery date has passed. If the deliverable’s estimated delivery date falls in a given reporting period and the deliverable is not submitted here on time, before the periodic report is "Locked for review", participants will be asked to justify the delay (in the Periodic Reporting module). Deliverables 17 Continuous Reporting Current view
Before submission a comment can be added and user is asked for confirmation whether s/he wants to submit. Each time a deliverable has been submitted, the EU Officers will be notified. Each time the EU Officers reject the deliverable, the Coordinator Contacts and the Participant Contacts are notified through the Participant Portal Notification System. Before submission a comment can be added and user is asked for confirmation whether s/he wants to submit. Each time a deliverable has been submitted, the EU Officers will be notified. Each time the EU Officers reject the deliverable, the Coordinator Contacts and the Participant Contacts are notified through the Participant Portal Notification System. 18 Deliverables Continuous Reporting
Deliverable Management in ENSAR2 A deliverable report tells if the promised result is achieved or not. It is not a scientific document. Processus: Some months before the deadline: the Work Package Team writes a first version of the deliverable report. One month before the deadline: The deliverable report is sent to the Management Group one month before the deadline. The Management Group send the deliverable report to one member of the Deliverable Evaluation Committee. Evaluation of the report and modifications if necessary. Deadline: the report is submitted on EC web site.
Organisation of ENSAR2
21 Periodic Reporting Module Periodic Reporting Periodic reporting
All beneficiaries receive a notification and log on to the Participant Portal. All beneficiaries complete their own Financial Statement and their contribution to the Technical Part of the Periodic Report. Beneficiaries e-sign and submit their Financial Statements to the Coordinator. The Coordinator approves the elements of the Periodic Report & submits to the EU Services. The EU Services review the submitted Periodic Report and accept or reject it. Interim Payment Periodic reporting module - steps 22 Periodic Reporting
Periodic Reporting – beneficiaries are asked to complete their own Financial Statement and their contribution to the Technical Part of the Periodic Report. Task to be performed by each beneficiary 23 Periodic Reporting – Financial report
24 Statement Financial StatementPeriodic Reporting – Financial report Some costs have an editable field others have a link to click. Some have a Use of Resources to complete Link to 'How to complete your financial statement' in the PP.'How to complete your financial statement
Statement Financial Statement (actual costs) 25 Periodic Reporting – Financial report
26 Periodic Reporting – Financial report Statement Financial Statement (other direct costs)
Please contact us if you have any question!