How to register and pay your registration fees IMWA2014 secretariat May 28, 2014
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Click to examine and revise all of what you have ordered Click to modify your registration fees Don’t support any kinds of payment online. Finally, you will have to pay by wire transfer. For more wire transfer information, click Here Click to modify your hotel booking Book in advance; Pay when checking out Click to modify your accompanying program
Payment from all other countries, please use SWIFT transfer only : SWIFT CODE: BKCHCNBJ940 BENEFICIARY'S BANK NAME: BANK OF CHINA XU ZHOU BRANCH BENE'S A/C NO: BENEFICIARY'S NAME: CHINA UNIVERSITY OF MINING AND TECHNOLOGY Please Note that (1) The following information about your paper ID, your name and IMWA2014 must be declared in the postscript of your bank transfer, e.g. 1-C.S.Wang-IMWA2014; (2) It is important for you to notify the conference secretariat as soon as possible that the due have been paid. (3) Direct payment online is not supported. You can choose electronic banking or OTC transaction to conduct wire transfer. How to pay your registration fees
Looking forward to meeting you in Xuzhou