Revision skills Note taking Post-it notes Working with others
By the end of the lesson you will.. 0 Know… 0 …how to use three new revision techniques (highlighting, post-it notes and revising in a group). 0 Understand… 0 …that the revision technique you choose depends on the nature of what you need to revise. 0 Be able to… 0 …apply a revision technique to a topic of your choice.
First… 0 Have a look at this…
“In the UK, around 21% of people smoke (106,000 people in total), although 66% of those people said they wanted to give up. Passive smoking has a significant impact on our lives; we had a family friend called Lucian who died at 46 because his two teenage sons (Joe and Leo) smoked. I also know a man called Stan who is fed through a straw after smoking a pipe for 48 years. He’s just come back from visiting his son Ben in Dubai – he’ll soon be too sick to travel. People who are cohabiting are more likely to smoke than people who are married, and people with manual jobs are the most likely to develop a smoking habit.”
0 What was the name of the person who died from passive smoking? 0 Lucian 0 What were his children called? 0 Joe and Leo 0 What is killing Stan? 0 Throat cancer, from smoking a pipe for 48 years 0 What is his son called? 0 Ben 0 What % of people who smoke want to quit? 0 66% 0 What kind of person is most likely to smoke? (2 answers) 0 Cohabiting couples and manual workers 0 What country has Stan just been to? 0 Dubai
In the UK, around 21% of people smoke (106,000 people in total), although 66% of those people said they wanted to give up. Passive smoking has a significant impact on our lives; we had a family friend called Lucian who died at 46 because his two teenage sons (Joe and Leo) smoked. I also know a man called Stan who is fed through a straw after smoking a pipe for 48 years. He’s just come back from visiting his son Ben in Dubai – he’ll soon be too sick to travel. People who are cohabiting are more likely to smoke than people who are married, and people with manual jobs are the most likely to develop a smoking habit. What do you think the colours stand for?
Where is highlighting appropriate? 0 In your exercise books 0 To highlight particular pieces of information, e.g. key dates, people or places. 0 In your revision guides 0 This is not such a good idea if you’re planning on selling them on after your exams! 0 In your revision notes/cards
Using post-it notes… Post-it notes are great because you can stick them all over the house, in places you are likely to look. Write key facts onto a post-it note (e.g. the number of people who died in a disaster, the name of a prime minister, or a chemical equation). Every time you see the post-it note, read it out loud! Why do you need to read them out loud? It’s ACTIVE revision!
Making notes 0 There are a few things to keep in mind when making good revision notes: 0 Keep them concise; don’t waffle. 0 Use colours effectively 0 Use subtitles so you can skim-read and skip to the bits you need. 0 Use diagrams if they will reduce the amount you have to write down to a minimum. 0 Can you work out what the following pictures mean?
English In a formal letter, there is a specific layout. For example: If you begin with “Dear sir/madam”, then you end with “Yours faithfully”. If you begin with “Dear Mr….” then you end with “yours sincerely”.
Geography Volcanoes happen in lots of places, but kill more people in some places than in others
Science Plants need carbon dioxide, energy from the sun and water. They then produce glucose and oxygen.
Revision can be a game! 0 Revising with someone else can be a good way to share ideas and remind each other of things. 0 For example…
0 To revise together… 0 Choose at least two other people who all want to revise the same subject as you. 0 Take one sheet of A5 paper each and write a subject title (e.g. ‘photosynthesis’ or ‘restless earth’ or ‘The rise of Hitler’) at the top of the page. 0 Underneath, write the first five words of a sentence. 0 Pass it on to the next person in the circle, for them to continue the sentence and/or start another one. 0 For example…
0E0E ach person in the circle (five people revising together) are a different colour: 0T0T here are three factors which affect photosynthesis: light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and temperature. Without enough light, a plant will photosynthesise slowly. Plants also have an optimum temperature; if it is too hot or too cold, they will not grow. All of these factors can be used by farmers to maximise growth in artificial circumstances.
And now… 0 DO some revision!! 0 If you would like some post-it notes, they are on sale for 20p in the library. 0 If you’re doing group revision* then find at least two other people who would like to revise the same subject as you. 0 If you are highlighting, think carefully about what you’re highlighting, and what the different colours mean. 0 GO! 0 *this is best if you have forgotten to bring any revision materials with you.