The Catholic Liturgy
How Many Languages can we say “Hello” in????
Procession in of the cross, priest, Book that Gospel is Read from, maybe readers, or others specific to The Liturgy Priest will kiss the alter in reverence
Priest: The Lord be with you All: And with your spirit
How many languages can we say “I’m sorry”?????
Penitential Rite 1.Act of Contrition or 2.Litany of “Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy or 3.Kyrie (Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy)
We are now ready to put ourselves into a more contemplative mood The priest says an opening prayer and we are ready to think through the next part
First Reading from the Old Testament Usually read by a member of congregation “This is the word of the Lord” “Thanks be to God”
Responsorial psalm
SECOND READING FROM NEW TESTAMENT EXCLUDING THE GOSPELS Also read by someone in the community “The word of the Lord” “Thanks be to God”
Next will be the Gospel Reading so we have a transitional piece (Alleluia) and we stand to show reverence that this reading is from the life of Jesus.
“This is a Reading from the Gospel according to ________________” “Glory to you o Lord” Then there is a ritual for blessing ourselves: “May your words by in my mind, on my lips and in my heart”
Gospel reading This is the word of The Lord Thanks be to God
The Creed And we know All about that!
Prayers of the Faithful
Offering of the gifts from community You’ll see priest washing his hands: “Wash away all my iniquities and cleanse me of my sin”
Blessed are you Lord God of all creation. Through your goodness we have this bread to offer which earth has given and humans hands have made. It will become for us the bread of Life Blessed be God forever Blessed are you Lord God of all creation. Through your goodness we have this wine to offer, fruit of the Vine and the work of human hands. It will become our spiritual drink Blessed be God forever Pray that our sacrifice will be acceptable to God the almighty father May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands, for the praise and glory of God’s name, for our good and the good of all the church.
Prayer over the gifts Little bit of dialogue (The Lord be with you…And also with you….Lift up your hearts….we lift them up to the Lord…..Let us give thanks to the Lord our God….It is right to give God thanks and praise Holy, Holy, Holy
Eucharistic Prayer Changing of the bread and the wine into The body and blood of Christ Within : Christ has die, Christ is risen Christ will come again
The Our Father The Sign of Peace
What do you have to do to prepare for a meal at Thanksgiving or Christmas? What special foods are people known for in your family?
Preparation before Receiving Communion Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us…..grant us peace Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my Soul shall be healed.
Communion Bread and Wine for Catholics water – humanity; wine- divinity; piece of Eucharist – from a time when one Host was blessed and then pieces went out to outer liturgies. Now – Resurrection Body and Blood Blessings for others
Concluding Prayer by Priest Blessing: “Our mass has ended. Go in Peace” Thanks be to God