ECE445: Senior Design Spring 2015 Team 17: Weather Jukebox Sang Yun Bang, Thomas Fedrigon, Shanda Lu
Introduction Check weather in morning without staring at bright screen Atmospheric songs set the indoor mood to be similar to outdoor temperatures Interesting and fun way to check weather!
Objectives Temperature/Humidity sensors collect current weather conditions Weather station wirelessly send data in real-time and updates LED lights Plays melody based on conditions when play button is pressed +
Block Diagram: Initial Stage Top Level Block Diagram
Block Diagram: Final Stage Top Level Block Diagram
Weather Station
Weather Station PCB 2 Layers custom PCB Top layer: Signals Bottom layer: Power/Ground Outer loop for power supply PCB layout for weather station
DC-DC Converters DC-DC Converter: L7805 Linear fixed voltage-5V Weather Station 9V DC Battery Jukebox 12V DC Wall outlet DC-DC converter Eagle layout
DC-DC Converter for Battery BatteryOutput Output of DC-DC Converter
Sensors LM34 Eagle layout HIH4030 Eagle layout
Amplifier LM741 Eagle layout Non-inverting amplifier
Amplifier Gain
Analog to Digital Converter ADC0808 Eagle layout
ADC Output vs Input LSB
Buffer Chips HCT125 Buffer chips Clock signal Sent to OE for D3-D0 buffer Inverted clock signal Sent to OE for D7-D4 buffer Output sent to corresponding pin of encoder Buffer chip Eagle layout
Clocks LM555 Eagle layout
Clock Outputs Buffer/Encoder Clock Output Freq: 5.70 Hz, Duty Cycle: 56.02% ADC Clock Output Freq: 6.74 kHz, Duty Cycle: 51.57%
Clock Inverter 74ALS00 – 4 2-input NAND gates Operating as low frequency inverters Buffer/encoder clock to A and B Output to second set of buffer chips 7400 pin layout NAND truth table
Encoder HT12E Holtek 8 address bits and 4 data bits Compatible with RF modules 750 kΩ used for on chip oscillator Two sets of encoders Temperature encoded to address X Humidity encoded to address X Least significant bit (X) manipulated with same clock as buffer Allows bits to be decoded separately on jukebox side HT12E Eagle layout
Encoder Output Oscilloscope output of encoderCorresponding output of decoder
Transmitter/Receiver RF transmission Longer distance ( meters in open space) Avoid interference using two transmitter/receiver pairs 434 MHz and 315 MHz ASK modulation Able to send digital data Simplest to generate and detect Cheap Transmitter Eagle layout Receiver Eagle layout
Jukebox PCB NOT efficient PCB Top/Bottom layer Signals, power, and ground PCB layout for Jukebox
Decoders HT12D Holtek Four decoders for total of 16 bits of transmitted data 51 kΩ used for on chip oscillator HT12D Eagle layout
Arduino Mega Planned Arduino Due Problem with interfacing Missing components Alternative plan Arduino Uno Arduino Mega Arduino DUE Arduino MEGA
Program Pseudo-Code Flow chart for program
Serial Monitor Output
Debugging / Testing Verify the decoder is working Checking with serial monitor LSB Output of decoder
Future Improvements More sensors for (i.e. light, wind) Increased range Internet connectivity to double check sensor readings Visual reading of temperature/conditions on jukebox Industrial design for final goods
Thank You!