Stem Cells Untapped and unproven potential for treating human conditions Characteristics: capable of self renewal and differentiation Stem cell divides (mitosis) stem cell + progenitor cell Progenitor cell (partially specialized) Terms of Potential: Totipotent: daughter cells that can specialize as any cell type Pluripotent: daughter cells that can specialize as any of a restricted number of cell types (progenitor cells) Stem Cells From Embryos: (Ethical Objections) Embryos from couples of IVF (frozen “extras”); cells removed from blastocyst cultured in flasks Avoid aging (senescence) with high level of telomerase
Amniotic Fluid: derived stem cells can become neurons, bone, blood vessels, liver cells Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer: Patient’s somatic cell nucleus injected into donated egg cell (therapeutic cloning) Ethical issues with embryos: 50-60% morally acceptable Stem Cells From Adults: Hematopoietic stem cells from bone marrow transplants Drugs to treat breast cancer; “heart patches” from transplants, leukemia treatments Nuclear Reprograming for Producing Pluripotent Stem Cells Take a differentiated adult cell and alter its patterns of gene expression to reprogram the cell to an early stage in its differentiation pathway (undifferentiated pluripotent state) Low viability Shown to form tumors