Zhanshan Wang, Zhenxiang Shen, Qiushi Huang, ZhongZhang, Bin Ma Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE) Tongji University Development of XTP optics and focusing system
XTP optical design Slumping glass optics Multilayer supermirror System assemble Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
1. XTP optical design Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
2dsin =, d min =2.5nm θ = 0.1~0.7deg High energy: 1-30keV - f=5.5m, ɸ =550mm Low energy: 1-10keV - f=4.5m, ɸ =450mm Angular reso. =1 arcmin XTP system design Wolter-I Conical approximation
Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University Reflectance drops fast with larger incidence! Pt + W/Si depth-graded multilayer Power Law method Spectrum response of HE mirrors 1-30keV
Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University Spectrum response of LE mirrors 1-10keV Low energy telescope has higher reflectance than high energy.
Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University Optimization of Effective Area (1-30keV) Mirror length=100mm, mirror thickness=0.3mm ML design 1: Max EA below 12keVML design 2: improve mid E range Tradeoff between 6keV & 12-30keV
Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University Optimization of Effective Area (1-10keV) Mirror length=100mm, thickness=0.3mm
2. Slumping glass optics Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
Slumping glass optics Mandrel fabrication Mandrel characterization Pre-cutting Figure meas. Glass chara. & clean slumping Precise cutting Glass supply Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University Key para. : surface figure accuracy
D263 ( 0.3mm 、 0.21mm ) Glass cleaning process Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
Slumping process Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
Surface figure metrology 0.3mm Qualitative study – interference fringes Explore the slumping process …
Surface figure metrology Surface slope measurement – Laser Scan The same as NuStar metrology In Tongji Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
Surface figure metrology figure measurement - CGH Slumping glass PV < 4 m Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
3. Multilayer Supermirror Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
3.1. supermirror design 3.2. flat supermirror 3.4. Low stress ML Multilayer supermirror development 3.3. Cylindrical coating technology 3.5. SGO optics development Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
ML reflectance is consistent with design Demonstration of flat supermirror Flat mirror coating system Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
Substrate holder target Cylindrical mirror deposition system High reflectance – small interface width New process optimization … Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
Cylindrical mirror deposition technique Optimization results : W/Si ML interface width = ~0.4nm The same as NuSTAR Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
mm thickness Low stress multilayer development -260MPa -370MPa Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
Low stress multilayer development Annealing treatment on multilayer -260MPa <-100MPa Stress reduced to <100MPa Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University W Si
Slumping glass optics development Uniformity and layer structure improvement Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University Layer structure on SGO is the same as on Si
Reflectivity of SGO is close to the design ! Slumping glass optics development X-ray reflectivity measurement at BSRF Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
4 、 System Assemble
System assemble of the telescope Assemble of the thin mirrors Nano-precision assemble machine is in operation now! Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
Graphite grinding Epoxy dispense and cure Graphite bonding Epoxy preparation In-situ figure measurement Mirror bonding Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University System assemble of the telescope
Epoxy mixing, degassing, and dispense Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University System assemble of the telescope
D P Flat shells assemble testing experiments: Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
System assemble of the telescope Optimization of mandrel design New mandrel has less deformation from the assemble process
Thin graphite grinding process is mature Complete the graphite spacers positioning & bonding In-situ measurement of the mandrel and graphite figure System assemble of the telescope Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
同济大学精密光学工程技术研究所 Installing of the glass segments into the guidind wheels, on the graphite spacers… System assemble of the telescope
Mirror thickness t=0.3mm layers Grazing angle ( ° ) Primary mirror entrance radius ( mm ) Secondary mirror entrance radius ( mm ) 镜长( mm ) (86.203) (85.353) (84.509) (83.670) (82.836) Design of the DEMO system Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University
X-ray source National astronomical observatory Energy range 1.x-10keV, measurement in sectors Optical measurement of the DEMO Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University To be tested in the end of December …
Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University Summary X-rayOptic Slumping process Figure measurement Precise Cutting Multilayer design Deposition Characterization Finite element analysis Assemble process In-situ measurement Optical performance Mechanical performance
Thank you for your attention ! Institute of Precision Optics and Engineering (IPOE), Tongji University