ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) OPSys: INAF Optical Payload Systems Facility Silvano FIneschi INAF – Astrophysical Observatory of Turin INAF/OATo Team: Silvano FINESCHI Gerardo CAPOBIANCO Gianalfredo NICOLINI Davide LOREGGIA Giuseppe MASSONE
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) INAF OPSys Facility OPSys facility comprises: Laboratory at Altec – Entrance room (TBD: storage, office) – Gray-area (ISO 8-class 100,000): pumps, sources – Cleanroom (ISO 7- class 10,000): payload (P/L) storage – Clean area (ISO 5/6 – class 1,000/100): P/L, bench INAF Space Optics Calibration Chamber (SPOCC) – Vacuum tank (4.4 m 3 : pipeline & test sections)
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) OPSys Lab Space Optics Calibration Chamber - SpOCC
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) Space Optics Calibration Chamber (SPOCC) Overview: Space Optics Calibration Chamber offers services in the following contexts: pre-flight qualifications or generic items (on-board computers, data handling, flight items, etc..) where is requested Thermal-Vacuum environment; pre-flight qualifications of scientific instruments and sensors, optical pointing devices, solar panels that have valence optical alignment and problems of solar flux; calibration and testing scientific optical instruments
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) Pipeline section with pumping system: Ø 400 mm, L = 1850 mm Pipeline section with sources: Ø 400 mm, L = 2550mm + Ø 600 mm, L = 2050 mm Space Optics Calibration Chamber (SPOCC) Overview:
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) Test-section external dimensions: (1080x4000x880) mm 3 Space Optics Calibration Chamber (SPOCC) Overview:
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) OPSys Sub-Systems – Vacuum Control Sub-System: Composed by: 2-stages pumping system consisting of: Two tri–scroll pumps of 500 l/minute each; Two turbo molecular pumps of 2000 l/s each. The tri–scroll pumps bring the pressure from atmosphere to mbar. This first phase lasts about half hour. From this vacuum level, the chamber passes from the viscous or laminar regime to the molecular one. At that point, the turbo molecular pumps can be turned on. The turbo molecular pumps bring the pressure to mbar in dynamic vacuum condition hampered by the-out gassing from the internal coating of the chamber. The internal SPOCC pressure (the vacuum level) is monitored by 5 vacuum gauges located in the pumping section and in the test chamber.
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) SPOCC Collimator: Optical Design Collimating mirror: 10 deg off-axis parabola 2000 mm focal length 160 mm diameter EUV ML coating (to be applied) The light trap behind the mirror suppresses set-up stray light and simulates a “dark corona” A series of baffles ensure additional suppression of the set-up stray light
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) SPOCC Reflective Collimator 2000-mm focal length off-axis parabola
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) METIS imaging tests The Movable optical bench allow imaging tests for METIS
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) SPOCC Refractive Collimator
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) Collimator EFL 600 mm Sun Disk Simulator Aperture Source Focus Collimator BafflesCollimator Lens Sun Disk Simulator Aperture Fine Tunning
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) Solar Source for SPOCC METIS aperture= 4 cm; ASPIICS aperture= 5 cm
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) SPOCC Configurations Infinite conjugated for A.U. < 0.5 Finite conjugated for A.U. > 0.5
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) Visible-Light Solar Source Configuration1 AU0.5 AU0.3 AU0.38 AU0.5 AU Source ShapeCircle Annulus Source Radius9.6 mm18 mm12 mm8 mm5.5 mm Object NA Image NA Obj distance2000 mm mm mm mm Image distance - (7100 mm) - (7100 mm) mm (Short pipeline) 7100 mm9304 mm
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) Solar Source Interface with SPOCC
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) VL Solar Source Condenser Design of several solutions to solve the problem of double configuration in one illumination opitcal system
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) OPSys Additional Items (facility dedicated) : Electrical and Thermal Feedthroughs Feedthroughs from ISO 7 side of SPOCC: 1.Inlet/Outlet of pipelines for the liquid nitrogen circuit used in the thermal subsystem. 2.Passage of the electrical connectors of the motors for the optical bench adjustment. 3.Positioning of flange with two bulkheads DM PP (AWG16) 24-pin used for EGSE power connector interface. 4.Positioning of flange with two bulkheads DM PP (AWG20) 37-pin used for EGSE data connector interface. Feedthroughs from ISO 8 side of SPOCC: 5.Passage of pipelines with gaseous nitrogen used for the SPOCC cleanliness and for METIS hardware flushing 6.Passage of the two electrical connectors for the thermal subsystem. 7.Passage of three 9-pin electrical connector (9 pin) used to connect mechanical devices. 8.Passage of 4 BNC and 2 High Voltage connectors for the photomultiplier and the channeltron detector.
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) OPSys Additional Items (facility dedicated) : Vision IsoStation Purpose: working bench, docking surface to keep the METIS items and breadboard atop the frame. Selected item: M-VIS3648-SG4-325A, metric 900 mm x 1200 mm x 909 mm working height, vibration isolation workstation with a 110 mm thick SG Series breadboard and I-325 Series pneumatic isolators that provide a 590 kg gross load capacity Laminar Flux Bench Purpose: used for manipulation of critical instruments/elements avoiding contamination Selected item: Aura HZ 48
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) OPSys Additional Items (facility dedicated) : PC Desktop Purpose: to control and monitor the activities to be performed in ISO 8, i.e.: control and regulation of the Motorized Optical Bench; monitoring environmental parameters (pressure, temperature, particles) of ISO 5, ISO 6, ISO 7 and ISO 8 rooms; monitoring of pressure inside SPOCC; control of auxiliary equipment Selected item:
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) OPSys Data and Phone connections : All data connections are connected to the ALTEC Guest Network. Connection between Guest Access Switch and Guest Core Switch is based on Fiber Channel Technology. All services provided by the ALTEC Guest network are available only after the authentication. The patch panel with RJ-45 located on the OPSys facility can be used both with phone plug (4 pin) and ethernet plug (8 pin). RJ-45 Patch Panel
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy) OPSys Utilization for METIS in 2016: Start 08/07/2014 Finish 14/06/2019 Payload Consolidation Milestone 02/12/ /06/2015 Critical Design Review 12/05/ /08/2016 Qualification Review 14/03/ /06/2017 Acceptance Review 26/12/ /03/2018 Payload In-Orbit Commissioning Review 21/03/ /06/2019 Project Kick-Off 08/07/2014 PCM Data Pack Delivery 06/02/2015 DM PTR 01/01/2016 CDR Data Pack Delivery 08/06/2016 STM DRB 23/06/2016 EM/EQM DRB 10/04/2017 QR Data Pack Delivery 10/04/2017 FM DRB 22/01/2018 AR Data Pack Delivery 22/01/2018 Final Presentation 29/05/2018 PROBA-3 Launch 01/11/2018 ASPIICS Schedule: EQM/FM AIT activity in 2017
ASPIICS/Proba-3 Meeting – 21 st January, 2016 –Torino (Italy)