B-KLM DAQ 2011/01/25 Trigger/DAQ workshop K. Sumisawa (KEK) Introduction Summary +7 pages
by Yusa-san, current KLM Barrel : strips Endcap : strips Total : strips
current in current luminosity: ~200 strips / 1 events (by my quick check) ~3kbyte (with old TDC) by Yusa-san,
B-KLM upgrade No change or Innermost a few layers are change RPC scintillator bars All the systems will be changed Readout board. We will develop no ADC / amplifiers The others common platform are used (COPPER FINESSE …)
by Varner-san
from last meeting Indiana University join the Belle/Bellle2 collaboration in last summer. They work on the development of B-KLM readout. 17-SEP-2010 Intro Meeting for Indiana Univ group (extracts from the minutes by Vossen-san) Attendance: Gerard Visser, Will Jacobs, Gary Varner, Anselm Vossen The schedule requires that the design is finished with ~1year. production: The Indiana group will contact the Virginia group (Leo Pillonen) to get more information about the detector specifications. tasks/issues: the TDC firmware for the FPGA, the discriminator, testing performance of the discriminator, input protection, power scheme, board layout.
Indiana group will develop. by Varner-san
Current Piilonen-san will be meeting with Anselm Vossen and the electronics shop personnel at Indiana University this weekend (January 29/30) to work out the requirements for the new front end and to start work on this.
summary (all or almost) RPCs will be used in Barrel KLM All the DAQ system will be changed. Indiana Univ. group join and work on B-KLM readout.
KLM Readout for Belle II Hawaii) project page KLM/KLM_readout.html
Barrel KLM Readout doesn’t require amplifiers, waveform sampling (though could be used) 86 DAQ fiber transceivers 22 FINESSE 6 COPPER FPGA-based TDC (1ns quantization 0.3ns resol) FPGA LVDS inputs as comparators JINST 1:P07001,2006. Hit buffering on front end, Triggering and event data collection by Varner-san from 2010 TRG/DAQ meeting. Starting-point for the discussion