Land use in the city
Aims of this lesson To learn how land is used in cities. To learn the different the different areas of a city and what they are like. To look at Glasgow as a case study.
Starter Talk with the person next to you and answer these questions: Are all the different parts of your city the same? How are they different? How many different “parts” of the city can you think of?
Land use zone: Areas of cities that are grouped together by similar use or function. Examples could be a cities central business district (CBD – city centre) or housing areas. Land use zones
The different parts of a city can be sorted into different land use zones. Look at the diagram on page 31 of the Human Environment book.
The CBD: Central Business District What are it’s characteristics? Where is Glasgow is like this? CBD has: High order shops Main roads meeting there Offices, hotels and entertainment The town hall, main bus and railway station Heavy traffic The oldest part of town, with many churches and narrow roads The most expensive land This means buildings are densely packed together. It has a grid iron street pattern. Buildings are often tall to make use of land price.
Working in groups you must learn about the remaining land use zones. You are not going to learn about every different zone just 2. Then the class will feed back to each other with the information. Land use zones group task.
To complete the task you must: Research the zones that you are given and find out as much about them as you can using the Human Environment book (pages 33-34) and the internet. You must create a PowerPoint presentation to give to the class on the zones that you have been given. This can include pictures and text on the land use zones. Land use zones group task.
Look at Glasgow’s CBD PP Task: Turn to page 34 of the human environment book. Answer Core Q’s 1- 4.
Task: Turn to pages of the Human Environment book. Copy the headings of all the major land uses and take notes on each one. (You do not need to write every detail. Read the points and take down what you think is most important.)
Land use zones. CBD Old industrial zone Old housing zone New housing zone New industrial zone New business district.
Old industrial zone: Where in Glasgow would you find this?
The old industrial zone usually has: Tall factories built of brick and stone. Factories with chimneys. Some waste land where old factories have been pulled down. Some new industry replacing the old factories. Some nearby railways and canals. Little greenery. Quite heavy traffic. Densely packed buildings. Buildings with slate roofs.
Old Tenement housing. Built close to the factories. Poor living conditions. Many people in a small area. In more recent years these may have been done up.
New Housing zone: One or two stories semi-detached. Houses with larger gardens. Parks and open land. Quieter than old housing and CBD.
Land use models. What are land use models? Land-use models are theories which attempt to explain the layout of urban areas. A model is used to simplify complex, real world situations, and make them easier to explain and understand. There are two main land-use models that apply to urban areas in MEDCS (More Economically Developed Countries). These are the Burgess and Hoyt model.
Land use models. The model below is the Burgess model (also known as the Concentric Model).
The Hoyt Model The model below is the Hoyt model (also known as the Sector Model). Do you think Glasgow fits any of these models?
IMPORTANT The price of land varies a lot in different parts of the city. Where do you think the most expensive part of the city is? CBD = Most expensive Outskirts of the city = least expensive However the price sometimes goes up slightly close to new business areas (retail parks) Land use and land price
Now that you know about land prices how can that help explain the characteristics of each of the land use zones? Hint think of the CBD first. What is the layout like? What are the buildings like? Then think of the different housing zones and their layout and buildings? Can the land prices explain this too? Write your answer in your jotter (5KU) Land use and land price
The CBD is the most expensive land use zone. This means that the most needs to be made of that space. Buildings are built very close together and there is little space for greenery. The buildings are also build very high to maximise the price of the land. The old housing and industry suffer from the same problems. The land is still expensive so buildings are tall, everything is cramped together and in a grid iron pattern. Land use and land price
As you move away from the town centre land price begins to drop. This means that the new housing can be more spaced apart and have gardens, it will also be no more than two stories. The roads will be curved and have cul-de-sacs. New industry will be on industrial estates with lots of space to expand into. Buildings will be modern and low. There will be lots of greenery due to the low price of the land. Land use and land price
There is sometimes a slight jump in price near the edge of cities where new retail zones are found. This is because lots of businesses will want to move here to make profit. Land use and land price
Task: Go over the information about Glasgow on pages with your teacher. Complete the General Questions on page 35.
Starter: We are going to re-cap the last few lessons. You must discuss the questions that come up on the board.
Number 1: What land use zone is this? Where would it be found? What are the main characteristics?
Number 2: What land use zone is this? Where would it be found? What are the main characteristics?
Number 1: What land use zone is this? Where would it be found? What are the main characteristics?
Number 2: What land use zone is this? Where would it be found? What are the main characteristics?
Number 1: What land use zone is this? Where would it be found? What are the main characteristics?
Number 2: What land use zone is this? Where would it be found? What are the main characteristics?