Social Studies 35% Tests & Projects 25% Quizzes 25% Classwork & Current Events 15% Homework
Grading Scale % A 92-85% B 84-77% C 76-70% D 69-0% F
What is SOAR? Questions?
Be on time and prepared Sit down and begin the warm-up Copy down your homework Turn in assignments on time Do your best Listen to the teacher / speaker Be respectful of people and property
1st Offense - Teacher confiscates the device and students may pick it up at the end of the day. 2nd and All Subsequent Offenses - Teacher confiscates the device and a parent/guardian must pick it up.
Should you choose to break one of the above rules/expectations, expect the following consequences: 1 st Offense: Nonverbal/Verbal warning 2 nd Offense: Refocus 3 rd Offense: Refocus with lunch detention 4 th Offense: Refocus with after school detention and parental contact 5 th Offense: Refocus with referral to administrator REFOCUS: Students will go to a REFOCUS desk in my classroom or in a buddy teacher’s classroom to complete a REFOCUS form, putting the responsibility of the student’s behavior on him/her. The refocuses will restart each quarter. Please note: Some offenses warrant immediate action and will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
1 st offense: Warning 2 nd offense: Warning 3 rd offense: Lunch detention 4 th offense: After school detention with parental contact 5 th offense: Referral to administrator Tardies will restart at the beginning of each quarter.
4 passes per teacher per quarter Bathroom, Locker, and water Need to go between classes Rule (NEW RULE!) ◦ Don’t ask to go 10 mins at beginning or 10 mins at end so you don’t miss instruction and homework
Bring to class daily To copy down assignments and upcoming quizzes and tests Don’t lose it!
Every Wednesday morning and afternoon 7:30 to 8:00 3:15 to 3:45 Plan ahead!
Please do not turn in work late. All graded assignments will be accepted late, but 5 points will be deducted for each day it is late. Late assignments will be accepted up to 5 days after the assignment was due. After 5 days, the assignment will no longer be accepted and will receive a failing grade.
Warm-ups are designed to “warm-up” your brain. Upon entering class each day, a warm-up will be posted. Students are to work on the question individually Warm-ups should be labeled and dated and kept in the warm-up section of your binder. Your warm-ups will be collected every two weeks for a classwork grade. Points will be deducted for having non-labeled, non- dated, or unfinished/incorrect work.
Students are expected to study their notes every night for a minimum of 10 minutes. They should review the class notes, any key terms, and maps that we are working on for a unit. This will prevent them from having to “cram” for a quiz or test. In addition, if a student does not complete the class work for that day it will be homework and he/she will be expected to complete it for class the next day.
Unless specified otherwise, all assignments should be completed using a pencil. Work should be neat and legible. Work that is illegible will need to be redone or will have points taken off or will be given back to the student to redo.
Students will be asked to complete two current events each quarter. These are worth 25% of their grade and should be completed on time. It is important that they include a copy of the article along with their written response. If the article is missing they will receive a 50%. Due dates will be selected by students in advance so it should not be handed in late.
One binder for SS class 5 Dividers and lined paper Warm-ups Notes Classwork Homework/Projects Current Events
European and World History ◦ Explorers ◦ Colonization ◦ Enlightenment ◦ Revolutions ◦ Industrialism, Nationalism, Imperialism ◦ WWI & WWII & Cold War ◦ Human Rights & Globalization ◦ Current World
History Geography & Environmental Literacy Civics & Governance Economics & Financial Literacy Culture
What did you learn about last year in Social Studies?
US Map- Name the states! Check your work ! *Extension Activity: What Happened Where? US States Puzzle